Chapter Six

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"Hello Erik." I said. "Hello Mandi." He said, "How are you feeling?" "Better." I said, "Thanks for asking." "You're welcome. What are besties for?" He replied. I smiled. "You are a bestie. I am so thankful for that." I said. "Same to you." He said, "You know what I mean. I'm thankful that too." I laughed. "Yep. I knew what you meant." I said. "So how was the rest of your day?" He asked, "How was Chemistry?" "Well, my day was fine." I started, thinking of free period, "But Chemistry... I went in and Macy was sitting in my seat." "Seriously? Did she move?" Erik asked, surprised. "No. I walked in and she saw me, but made no intent to move. I didn't even bother to have her move. I just sat in her seat." I answered. "Oh wow. And Caitlin didn't say anything?" Erik asked. "Nope." I said. "Oh wow. What a bitch!" Erik said. I laughed. "I agree." I said. "So, who did you sit by?" He asked. "Adam. Adam Marquette." I replied. "Cool. I think I know who he is." Erik said. "Yea." I agreed.

We talked a little more and then Erik said, "Well I am glad you are doing good. But I must be going and get some homework done." "Yeah me too." I said, "Thanks so much for all you've done. You are such a great friend." "You're welcome. So are you. You are a great friend." He said. We then said bye to each other and hung up.

I then went back downstairs. My mom's suitcase and carry on bag was by the door. She was sitting on the couch. I sat next to her. "So how's Erik doing?" She asked. "Good." I said. "That's good." She said. "So how long will you be gone?" I asked. "Just Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'll be home Monday morning." My mom answered. "Ok." I said. "Then we'll have a girl's week. So think of ideas and places you want to go and do." She said. "Ok." I said.


It was third period, the next day and Caitlin hadn't talked to me all morning. She was with Damon the whole time.

I sat at a table in the library. I looked at my report and rearranged a few things. Cade was at a table with Caroline and his friends. Despite what he said yesterday, he hadn't talked to me or come over to help.

"Guys..girls... Keep in mind. This is a group project. You should be working with your partners." Mr. Kent said, looking at Caroline and Cade, "So please go find your partner and work with them." Caroline groaned, but got up and went to find Tammy. Cade gathered his belongings and came over to my table.

I knew he didn't really want to be here with me. "You know you don't have to be here with me. You can go back to your friends." I said, harsher than I intended. He looked surprised by my tone. I quickly felt guilty. "I didn't mean how it sounded. I really didn't." I said, "I just am sick of people only coming around me because they're told to or to make themselves look good." "Ok. Well, yea...Mr. Kent told us to, but I said yesterday I'd help, but I didn't come over. I'm sorry." He said. "It's ok." I said, "Here." I handed him my notes. "Is everything ok?" He asked. "Yes." I replied, immediately. "Are you sure?" He asked. I could tell he was concerned and I seemed out of it and distracted. Kind of staring into space. But I really wasn't sure if I should say anything since we never really talked before and I really didn't know much about him. "No, but it's ok. Really. Let's just get this report done." I said. "Ok." He said, watching me for awhile and then looking over my notes. He looked over his and wrote a few on mine.

"This is good. I like it." He said, "You did a good job." "Thanks." I said. "So it's basically done. Do you want to type it or should I?" He asked. "I can." I said, "And you can print out some pictures of the places we used." "Ok." Said Cade.

"Since everyone is about done researching their countries, on Monday we will go to the computer lab and you can type up your reports." Mr. Kent said. "Sounds good." Caroline said. We all agreed.

"I think instead of printing the pictures, we should crop them into the report." I said. "Yeah. Like an actual travel guide. Great! I love that idea. I can help you." Cade said. "Thanks." I said smiling.


"Hi." I said to Caitlin when I got into English. She just sat there. "Fine. Ignore me." I said, angry, "But you have no right to be. You're the one who was ignoring Erik and I. Your true friends." She still didn't say anything. "I'm not saying you can't talk to Damon, but you said you talked to him all morning and then he sits at lunch and you just talk to him." I said. "Just shut up! You freaking D.U.F.F.!" Caitlin said. Kids were staring. I didn't care. I had enough of her attitude, even if it all just happened yesterday. "What the heck is your problem? Why are you acting this way?!" I yelled. "You and your ugliness! You are so brining me down." She said. I heard kids gasp. I got up and slapped her as hard as I could across her face. Then grabbed my belongings and ran out of class. But not before I heard Caitlin snicker and Mrs. Bolton yell, "Caitlin! Go to the office!"

I ran to the roof and just cried. I just left the tears fall. What was going on? Why was Caitlin acting this way? Why did she change so bad because of a guy? We promised each other, we'd never let a guy come between us. And here Caitlin did. I wasn't sure how long I sat when I felt a presence next to me. I blinked to clear my eyes. 

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