Chapter Two

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The next morning, I woke up. I stretched and headed into the bathroom. My bedroom has its own connecting bathroom. My mom's does too. I like that I don't have to share a bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and then got the shower ready. Once it was nice and warm, I got in. I dried off and wrapped the towel around me and headed back to my room.  I looked into my closet and was trying to decide what to wear.

I ended up deciding on my purple plaid shirt, light blue skinny jeans and my brown cowgirl boots. I dried my hair and just left it hanging down.


"Good morning." My mom said when I made it to the kitchen. "Good morning." I said, "How was your flight?" "It was good. Uneventful as usual." My mom said, "How's school going?" "Well, thats good." I said, remembering the one flight my mom told me about. There was a guy who was highly drunk. "School is going good." I said. "Any news about prom?" My mom asked. "No. Just that everyone is going except me." I replied, sad. I don't know why. I really could care less about prom. "I'm sure someone will ask you." She said, "So I'm guessing Caitlin has a date?" "Yes." I said, even more depressed. "Well I'm sure someone will ask. If not, you can ask." Said my mom. "Mom! I can't do that!" I said shocked, "I'm way too shy." She laughed. " I know, but you can overcome it." She said. "Doubtful." I said. She laughed again. "Well I'm sure someone will ask. But for now, eat some breakfast." She replied. I grabbed a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.


I looked around for Caitlin when I got to school, but didn't see her. I went to my locker and got what I needed for my first four classes. I closed my locker and turned around. I smacked into someone. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry." I said, embarrassed. I heard a deep laugh. "No worries. It's all good." He said and headed down the hall. I looked and saw it was Cade. I smiled to myself. 'Oh my gosh. I just bumped into Cade and kind of talked to him.' I said to myself. I took a deep breath and made sure I didn't have a goofy look on my face. 

"So you talked to Cade?" Caitlin asked. I looked and saw Caitlin next to me. "Not really. I turned around and smacked right into. I just said sorry." I answered. "And what did he say?" Caitlin questioned. "Not much. He just said, "No worries. It's all good". Like I said, not much." I answered. "Well, it's a start." She said. I laughed, humorlessly. "Look, it's never going to work." I said, "He's cute. Popular. And I'm...not." "Amanda Nicole!" Caitlin yelled, exasperated. I can't say I blame her. We go through this alot."Stop! Ok?" She yelled, "Stop! You are beautiful and any guy would be lucky to get a chance to date you. I'm sure if you'd just talk to Cade, he'd like you and fall for you." I wanted to feel confident, but I just couldn't.

Luckily for me the bell rang. I didn't have to answer. "Well, I gotta go." I said. "We'll talk more about this later." She said. "Whatever." I said. She laughed. She headed off to Spanish and I headed off to Horticulture. I loved flowers so this class was perfect for me. 


After Horticulture, I had phys. Ed and now 3rd period was World History. I sat in the back corner on the right, by the windows. Cade was in this class with me, but he sat on the other side. 

"Ok. Today we are going to be partnering up. Now before you start getting excited, I have made the partners. This way it gets changed up and you can work with someone new. Get to know someone new." Our History teacher, Mr. Kent said, "Now the project is you and your partner will pick a country. You will research it and come up with a report on it. Then after two weeks of working on it and typing the report, you will present it in front of the class." Everyone groaned, including me. I hated being in front of the class.

"Ok. Now for the partners." Mr. Kent said, and started announcing the partners, "Finally Cade and Mandi." 'Great!" I thought, 'This ought to be fun. I just hope I don't act all dumb and can talk to him.

He came over by me. My heart started to be faster. I just hoped he couldn't hear it. "Mandi?" He asked. "Yes." I replied. He then sat down. "Ok. So what country do you want to do?" He asked. "It doesn't matter to me. One that won't be picked right away." I answered. "Yeah." He agreed. He pulled out his phone and started Googling countries. He rattled some off. 

Mr. Kent then came around and asking everyone what countries they chose. "This is good." Cade said, "We're last, so we can see what everyone else picked." "Yeah." I agreed. 

"Cade, Mandi? Do you know what country you want to do?" Mr. Kent asked. "What's already taken?" I asked. "Let's see..." Mr. Kent said, looking at his list, "Germany, France, Russia, Peru, Chile, Japan, England, China, Poland, Aruba, Brazil, Jamaica, Ireland, Mexico, and Switzerland." "Hmm." Cade said, "How about Romania? They have dragons." I laughed. "I think the only dragons Romania has is on Harry Potter." I said. Cade laughed too and looked surprised. "You know Harry Potter?" He asked. "Of course." I replied. 

"So... Romania?" Mr. Kent asked. "Yes." I replied. Cade agreed. Mr. Kent wrote it down. "Ok. Since class is about over, tomorrow we'll go to the library. For today, just look through your History books and see if it says anything about your country." Mr. Kent said. 

"Can we use our phones?" Asked a girl. "For now...for today only...yes." Mr. Kent replied. He then went back to his desk to grade papers. 

I saw Cade was looking at his phone, so I pulled out mine and looked up Romania. I wanted to say something... anything but I was nervous."I was thinking." Said Cade, "Instead of doing a regular report like everyone else probably will be doing, I was thinking of making ours like a travel guide or pretend we are giving a tour." He looked at me then. I tried not to stare too long. I knew if I did I'd probably end up with a weird look on my face. "Sure. That sounds good." I said. "Ok. It's all settled then." He said. I finally got enough nerve and strength to talk to him about earlier with Harry Potter but he got up and went back to his friends. So much for trying to talk to him. I just went back to researching Romania. 

Losing Faith (Hurt and confused)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora