Chapter Eight

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I went to my locker and then was on my way to art class when I got pushed aside and slammed into a locker. I was shocked. Who would do that? Before I could move, I was pinned against a locker. My arms were pinned to my sides. 

"You freaking bitch! Because of girlfriend is suspended for three days!" Damon spat out. "What?" I asked, confused and scared. "Caitlin! She got three day suspension because of you! You start the fight and get detention!" He yelled, then grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the locker. I figured it wasn't worth saying that Caitlin really was the one who started it. 

I was scared and now my head hurt. "P-please. Let me go!" I said, scared. "Hmm...let me think about it...." He said, "No." "She said let her go. And so do I!" Someone yelled and pushed Damon off me. I was shaking so bad. "Whatever! This isn't over!" He yelled and took off down the hall.

"Hey!" I heard the person yell, before the caught me from falling, "Are you ok?" I finally focused on who it was. It was Cole. "Thank you." I said. "No problem. I'd do anything for my friends.  And Damon was way out of line." Cole replied, "So you didn't answer my question. Are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Really." I said. Cole looked me over. "Really." I insisted. "Ok." He said and walked me to the office. I didn't really want to make Damon madder, but Cole insisted he couldn't get away with it. So after telling the principal, Cole walked me to art. 

"Thank you again." I said. "Anytime." He said and headed off. I handed Mrs. Matthews my late pass and started on the project we were working on.


Soon it was 7th period and my free period. I hadn't seen Damon since before art, so I figured he'd been ignoring me or the principal talked to him and he was told not to do anything. I really couldn't see Damon not doing anything especially after his comment. Despite what he said, I still found myself going outside. It wasn't as warm as the past two days, but still wasn't too bad. 

I walked to the bleachers and sat down.  I texted my mom and told her what was going on. Not sure when she'll get it, but it'll be there when she can. I just looked up stuff on the internet. I heard someone come up on the bleachers. I gasped. It was Damon. I quickly got up and headed the other way. I got off them and was going to cut across the football field, but he ran and tackled me. He pinned me face down. "You little bitch! You got my girlfriend suspended and now me, detention. You are seriously gonna pay for it!" He yelled. I was scared. "Help!" I yelled. "Shut up!" He yelled. He turned me over so I was now on my back. I tried to kick him but he was sitting on my legs. "Help!" I yelled again. "I said shut up!" He yelled. Then punched me on my face. I was really scared and it hurt. I couldn't even rub it because he now pinned my arms down. He just sneered and had an evil grin on his face. 

But soon it changed and he was angry and shocked. Someone pulled him off me. "Run!" He yelled. I didn't need to be told twice. I took off running towards the school. I went inside the door and stopped to catch my breath.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I screamed from fright.  "Ssh... it's ok." He said. It was Cade. I kept breathing heavily for awhile. Once I seemed to be breathing normally, I said, "Thank you. Thank you so much." "You're welcome." He said, "Come on. Let's get ice for that." "Ok." I said, "Where's Damon?" We walked up to the nurse's office. "What happened?" The principal asked, coming out of the main office. "Damon." I said, then told him about what happened. He was furious. "Where is he now?" Asked the principal. "Unconscious on the football field." Cade answered our question. "Ok." Said the principal heading off. 

I went to the nurse's office and she got me an ice pack. I held it on. She then handed me a cup of water and some Ibuprofen. "Thanks." I said. "You're welcome." She said. She then went back to the her desk. 

Cade sat at the end of the bed. "You don't have to stay." I said. "It's ok. It's my free period and it's the right thing to do." He said. "The Christian thing to do." I said. He smiled. "Yes." He agreed. "Well, I'm thankful for that." I said. "You're welcome." He replied. I then closed my eyes. "I'll let you rest." Said Cade and I opened my eyes to see him leave the nurse's office. 


I felt someone shake me. I realized I must of fell asleep. I looked up and saw the nurse. "I left you sleep. But now it's the end of the day." She said. I groaned. That meant detention. "Detention." I said, getting up. She nodded. She must of saw us go to the office and knew. "Thanks for the Ibuprofen and ice." I said. "You're welcome." She said. 

I went down to my locker and got my backpack and headed to detention. It was in Mr. Kent's room. "Mandi." He said, "You can work on any homework if you have it. If none, you can help me grade papers." "I only have math, but I can do it at home. I can help grade papers." I said. "No. You do your homework first." He said. "Ok." I said. I sat at a desk in the front. I worked on my homework and when I was done, I helped check the tests. 


When detention was over an hour later, I went into the hall. I saw Erik. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I said, surprised to see him, "What are you still doing here?" "Figured I'd wait for you. I heard about Damon. Well, everyone did. He got suspended." He said. "Good." I said. "Are you ok?" He asked. My face was still a little red and turning black and blue. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "That's good." He said, "Let's go get some ice cream." "Sounds good." I said and we both left school and went to Dairy Queen. 

I got a VMP sundae. Vanilla, marshmallow and peanuts. These were my favorite. Erik got a hot fudge sundae. We were sitting at a booth in the front. Isn't it weird?" I asked. "What?" Asked Erik. "It's winter and kind of cold and we're eating ice cream?" I replied. "Oh." He said, "Yeah." We both laughed. "But it's ok. Ice cream makes everything better." He said. "Sometimes. But it's mostly besties that do it." I said. He smiled. "Can't argue there." he said. 

We ate in silence for awhile. "So... Cade? He came to your rescue?" Erik asked. "Yeah." I said, smiling, "If he hadn't shown up when he did, who knows what Damon would of done." I shuddered. "I don't want to think about it either." Erik said. "I was thinking. You know who Caitlin is starting to act like?" I asked. Erik was quiet, thinking. "Hmm..." He said, then his face lit up. I knew he got it. "Caroline?" He asked. "Yep." I said, "Exactly like her."

We heard the door open and I couldn't believe who I saw come in. 

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