They all thought about it. None of them were close with Oka except for Shin. Kokuma continued,

 "I was jealous of her once. She was president and always did the best spells and we'd do the boring ones! But enough of that, you need to go! Shin is going to put a hex on all of you! Maybe even me!"

 Taro scoffed, "Please..none of us believe in that."

 After Taro had said those words, Kokuma gave out a scream and fell to the ground. They were all horrified seeing her just scream and fall to the ground like that. But when Kokuma fell to the ground, behind her was Ayano with the mask on, knife in her hand, and blood on her clothes.

 Osana shrieked and held onto Taro. Blood was dripping from Ayano's knife, as she had just taken it out of Kokuma's back.

 "The killer!" Osana pointed at her. Budo had big eyes, he didn't know Ayano was going to do this so early.

 Ayano charged at Osana, tackling her to the ground. Ayano was on top of her as Osana struggled to regain control.

 Ayano swung her knife all around giving Osana simple scratches. Taro wrapped his arms around Ayano and pulled her up from Osana. "Stop it!" He yelled.

 Ayano was off of Osana and was on the ground. When Ayano stood up, Taro had already helped Osana up from the ground and started running. They ran to the exit, the doors were shut and locked. Taro banged on the door. "Let us out!" He screeched.

 After giving up, Osana and Taro ran deeper into the hallways.

 Ayano was going to go after them. Budo stopped her with his hand.

 "Do you really want to do this?" He asked.

 Ayano pulled her hand from out of Budo's grip aggressively and continued to follow Taor and Osana. Budo walked the other way, hoping to run into them.

 Sooner or later, Budo found them hauled in a corner with Ayano backing them in it. Who had found them just minutes ago. Ayano was about to make her swing on Osana, who was right next to Taro in the corner. Taro put his hand over her swing and she ended up slicing Taro's palm. He shrieked.

 "Ayano! Stop!" Budo grabbed the wrist with the knife in hand. "Let go, Budo!" Ayano growled. "You knew..?" Taro groaned. Budo looked to Taro.

 "You knew she was the one who murdered Kokona and Oka and you still hung out with her?!" Taro shouted angrily. Budo stood there. "I was..I was.."

 "There's no excuse for this!" Taro cut him off. "Stop yelling at him, Taro!!" Ayano screeched. There was a silence after that. Taro looked confused and Budo looked shocked at her sudden shout.

 "This has nothing to do with Budo! But it has everything to do with you!" Ayano took small steps towards him, pointing the knife in his face. "What did I do?" Taro asked.

 Ayano stood there, staring. But Budo spoke up, "She likes you Taro..she just..she doesn't know how to use her emotions properly. Kokona and Oka liked you too, so she got rid of them..literally.." Budo scratched the back of his neck.

 Taro stepped closer to Ayano, mildly disgusted at Budo's explanation.

 "Ayano..why didn't you just tell me you liked me. Everything would've been easier." He said and faked an sincere tone.

 "I just couldn't bring up the words.." She held her head down.

 Taro stood up and stepped close to her. His plan was to distract her with his words long enough so that he can grab the knife from her hand. Once he got too close, Ayano noticed his plan as his hand reached for hers.

 "I don't really know if I can feel anything different for you after this day.." Taro whispered.

 Ayano looked up at him. Her eyes showing her insanity, "You're right. Neither do I." She said in a dark tone.

 Ayano charged her knife into Taro's neck, leaving him choking and falling to the ground. Osana screamed in her high pitched voice which echoed through the halls. Ayano watched as Taro fell to the ground. She still had the mask on, but under it, her face was blank.

 Budo put his hand over his mouth. " just killed Taro.." Budo stammered. "He didn't deserve me." She said. She turned to Osana, Taro's blood sprained on her a bit.

 Osana was drenched in her tears as she was sobbing uncontrollably. Her best friend she's known for years, the love of her life, gone in a flash.

 "So what are you going to do..kill me?" Osana asked, her voice breaking. Budo turned to her, then looked at Ayano. Budo then took off Ayano's mask. Ayano looked a bit shocked as she gasped softly at his action. She stared at Budo.

 Budo took the mask slowly in one hand. He used his other hand to take off his bandana. "Osana, we were never really friends..." He said as he took off his bandana. Budo used the bandana to rub off the DNA of Ayano and then, tied Osana's hands together.

 Ayano had her knife over Osana's neck so she wouldn't move. When Osana was tied up, Budo put the mask on Osana's face. He continued as his face was an inch from Osana, "..So you wouldn't know, that i'm just a crazy as she is."

 When Budo placed the mask over Osana's face, she couldn't take it off. "What are you doing!" Osana yelled from under the mask. Budo backed up and took her phone out of her pocket. He put her phone over his ear. "Yes, 911? I'd like to report two murders, please?" He said on the phone.

 Ayano looked to Budo. "Yes, I've caught the killer.." He said over the line, smirking at Osana as he spoke. He hung up the phone.

 Ayano walked in front of him. "Budo, why did you do this. All I've ever done was push you away.." Ayano asked.

 "Well, I was taught to never give on something. Especially if it's something I want." Budo smiled, he then leaned in and kissed Ayano on the lips, passionately.

 Budo wrapped his arms around Ayano's waist. Ayano wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed for a while. Finally taking in each other. Ayano now felt something different. This feeling felt even better now that her love wasn't one-sided anymore. A feeling greater than the one she had for Taro. And Budo now had her, all that he's wanted.

 After the kiss, Ayano surprisingly laughed. "Let's get out of here before we get caught.." Budo smirked. They walked away and left the school.

 Ayano had the school keys in her pocket the whole time. They left the school holding hands. It was no longer Taro's and Ayano's story. It was Budo's. Both of them were crazy and dangerous.
As they left the school, Ayano looked at Budo as they walked, 

 " what am I going to do about this..Shima.."

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