Goodbye, Strange Island

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Alex's plan for the inhabitants of Strange Island was completely unexpecting, but it all went well for everyone. All Alex had to do was go to President Cranky and tell him about her plans for everyone. Since the Strange Ones have been waiting for a human or more to come to their island so they can get to know more of them, she had decided to take everyone off the island and to other human lands around the world. But in order to do that, President Cranky must write letters to every human leader in the world, each of them about wanting peace with humans and Strange Ones. On each letter that was written down, it said this,

Hello, human leader,

My name is Cranky Doodle, president of Strange Island, home of the Strange Ones. The reason why I wrote this letter to you is that I am asking for a peaceful life for both humans and Strange Ones. Why am I asking for this, you ask? Well, I am about to tell you. 

A while ago, Strange Island wasn't peaceful like it was supposed to be. People were disappearing, a weaponry substance called dust was being stolen and there were multiple attacks around the island. But while all of that was happening, a private organization of brave heroes called Delta has been protecting us all along, and five of them were only humans that only came here for a summer vacation, but their fun was disrupted when an alliance called the Dark Ones attacked city hall of Strange City, the capital of Strange Island, and almost killed Isa, the founder of Sky City, but one of those humans saved her and her husband from death. 

The humans who had helped Delta were a group of five teenagers named Alex, Jonas, Reginald (Or Ren as others call him), Clarissa and Nona. Those five were the first humans ever to come to Strange Island, and each of them were saved by Delta when the Dark Ones came and attacked them. While they stayed at the Delta Base, they have helped the heroes of Delta with their missions. They have helped with destroying a robot in Remnant, saved Mettaton, a celebrity known for his shows and his role in a play, from his death, and saved Strange Island from the reign of the Dark Ones and my death. The people of Strange Island never knew about Delta until now, but we all soon learned that they were the mysterious heroes who had saved the island from a changeling invasion, a big event in Strange Island history.

And that concludes my reasons for peace. If you agree with our offer, please check the left box beside the word 'Yes' below and send it back to Strange Island. If you don't, we understand. Please take your time.

President Cranky Doodle

As soon as all of the letters were sent, everyone on the island waited patiently for the humans' response. But after days of waiting, all of the letters have returned. After the letters were opened, they all found that each human leader has accepted their declaration for peace. It went all over the news ever since, and soon, everyone on the island immediately started packing their things and readied themselves for a new life with the humans. Even the heroes of Delta were ready to leave their island, and the humans went back to the hotel to retrieve their belongings before they all leave. They were even bringing the strange creatures of Nibel Park with them and Fluttershy's animals were going on board with them.

On the following day, a group of five large boats have located the island and found it so the Strange Ones could go on board. All of the Strange Ones have already packed their belongings and are already going on the ship, but the humans and Delta weren't leaving just yet. Right now, they were currently standing at the fields of Nibel Park, where the rubble of the fallen ship still remained.

Watching as all of the Strange Ones started to go on board, Alex sighed. "I'm going to miss this place. It was really interesting, and now, it's just going to be an abandoned island in the middle of the sea."

"Yeah. I'm going to miss this place too." Ren said.

"We've only been here for, like, two weeks, I guess." Jonas replied.

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