Breaking In And Out

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"Wait. That's their base down there?" Nona asked with her eyes on the base. "We have to go all the way down there to get our friends back?"

"Sorry for you hearing this, but yes." Nat rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh no..." Jonas said with a hand on his head.

"I know. A big shocker, isn't it?"

"Uh, I hate to break it to you, Natalie, but you're not helping." Ren said.

"Oh, I know. And, just call me Nat please." Nat crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Hey. What's wrong with the name 'Natalie'. Why do you hate it?"

"I don't hate it. I just find it overrated."

"Can you two just shut up?" Jonas said getting Ren and Nat's attention. "You guys can talk about names later."

"He started it!" Nat pointed to Ren.

"I don't care! Just shush!" Jonas turned back to the Dark Ones' base. "So, how are we going to get in?"

"Isn't it obvious? We need a plan." Nona pointed out.

"Thanks for the memory, Nona. Now, does anyone have any ideas for how we are going to get in there?"

"I'll think about it." Thorax said.


Blake had a finger on her chin, but she let out a sigh. "To be frank with you, I have nothing in mind."

"Anyone at all?" Jonas asked, but got no response from anyone. "So, none of you have a plan."

"Actually, I do have one idea." Nat said, pulling out a light blue squirt gun. "How about we just come out of the blue and break in and--boom! Mission accomplished!"

"I doubt that'll work." Ren said with a stoic expression.

Nat gave Ren a cold glare, but she rolled her eyes and walked off. "You guys are complete idiots."

"Speak for yourself." Ren mumbled.

"Just let it go." Nona replied, hearing Ren's mumbling.

Jonas took in a deep breath, then he and the others followed Nat. For Trico, he decided to stay behind in the forest so no one can find him. Blake called him a good boy for that. The way down to the base was steep, but it was easy for them to come down when they tried to watch their step. Thorax slipped in the process, but he was okay despite almost tipping Ren over. Finally, they have reached the ground and quietly walked up to the base. Over there, most of the base was empty, but the only people that remained there were a minority of changelings and a majority of a group of octopus people Nat calls Octolings. Right now, the group was hiding behind an empty dumpster. As Nat looked beside the dumpster, she found three changelings standing in front of the entrance of the base.

"What's going on over there?" Nona wanted to know.

"Three changelings are at the entrance." Nat answered. "We need to get them out of the way."

"Even if we could, how are we going to get in there?" Jonas asked, then turned to Thorax. "Thorax. Do changelings even have a weakness?"

"Well, when I first met Ruby and Yang, they once took a picture with me." Thorax explained. "The flash from the camera did hurt my eyes a little, so I couldn't see for a week."

"Flash. That's it!" Nona got up and ran from the dumpster.

"Nona, wait!" Blake said, but Nona didn't listen.

Meanwhile, the changelings just stood there until they turned to find Nona standing in front of them. Everything was silent until she pulled out her phone.

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