The Battle Of Strange City

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The fight between the Dark Ones and Delta escalated, and the civilians have been running around the streets, each one with fear and shock. Fortunately, no one was hurt during the process of battle. Actually, a minority of people were hurt, but they got healed once Delta's medics found them and took care of them. There are some people that were separated from their families ever since the Dark Ones arrived, but they were reunited when Delta came. Many people were being saved by the ones they call mysterious heroes. The police were also helping out by bringing the civilians of the city to safety. They call the people of Delta mysterious as well, but they also call them helpful.

Right now, some were still running through the streets. Two young teenage girls, one with green and white hair and the other with pink and blue hair were being chased by a giant boar-like Grimm. Suddenly, the girl with green and white hair tripped and the girl with pink and blue hair stopped. As they turn to look at the giant boar charging at them, they braced for impact. That was when Rainbow came by and took the girls out of the boar's sight. Then, they reached an alleyway where Rainbow told the girls to find safety.

The giant boar roared in frustration, not until it heard a thud from behind and turned around to find Axel and Pinkie in front of it. Axel pulled out one of his gunpowder pouches, but before he threw it, Pinkie added some of her explosive sprinkles into the mix. The pouch in Axel's hand glowed pink and green, then he threw it at the boar. It then exploded violently, sending the boar flying until it reached the end of the street.

"Take that, Boarbatusk!" Axel shouted, then he gave Pinkie a fist bump.

Meanwhile, a group of bikers ran out of a building and up to their motorcycles. But before they were going to ride them, Twilight used her abilities to lift each motorbike from the ground.

"Sorry!" Twilight said to the bikers. "But this is for your own protection!"

The bikers watched as Twilight threw each bike at the flying birds and dragons. Each bike hit the Grimm on the head, and they all hit the ground afterwards. Twilight let out a sigh, then she ran off to help others in need. The bikers watched as she ran, and then saw each of the birds and dragons get hit by spears and bones and turn to dust. They all turned to find Undyne and Papyrus, who had a blue bone in both hands, jump from a building and land on the ground.

"Sweet leather jacket, man." Undyne said to one of the bikers, who had a black leather jacket with rhinestones on the shoulders and wrists. "Can I see the back?"

The biker turned around to reveal what was on the back of his jacket. On the back was a picture of a square robot with arms balancing on one wheel, and above the robot, it said, 'Mettaton Rules!', and it was all written and drawn with rhinestones.

"Mettaton does rule!" Undyne exclaimed.

She suddenly heard a thud behind her, and she turned around to find a dead Ursa, a blue bone sticking from it's back. The large bear then faded to dust, then Undyne turned to Papyrus.

"Thanks!" Undyne said, giving Papyrus a hard pat on the back.

For Pearl, she and Weiss were currently dealing with a pair of changelings, and Pearl was fighting only one of them, giving him kicks and hits from her spear. She even blocked the changeling's attacks from his sword with her spear. Weiss fought the other one with a few kicks and slashes from her rapier. When the changeling tried to slash her back, she would always dodge the way Pearl did. When Weiss' rapier started glowing, it shot fire at the changeling, sending it flying and falling to the ground afterwards. Then aimed her rapier at the changeling Pearl was fighting. But before she could, the changeling suddenly got stepped on when a giant metal leg came down. Pearl and Weiss looked up to find Alphys' robot walking above them.

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