Taking the Train to Strange City

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The humans were now riding a train to Strange City. Before they found their train, they have been getting guidance around the train station and they got help to find their train. While on the way, they bumped into some Strange Ones. A crazy photographer, a suspicious watch salesman, three yellow creatures that were looking for a master they can call their own, and many others. Alex stared out the window as the train passed by many cities of the island. She was glad that she and the others arrived their destination, and hoped that they will have a great time until the end of summer. While she stared outside, she heard Ren talking about their vacation and how he planned to start it. She heard him talking and talking until, he stopped.

"Alex? Hey, you still there?" Ren got Alex's attention. "You haven't said anything ever since we hopped on this train."

"I can watch this train pass by every city on this island and listen to you rambling about our vacation at the same time." Alex crossed her arms.

"Oh, okay. Do you at least know what I said?"

"Something, something, carnival. Something, something, park. Something, something, hotel, or...yeah."

"Perfect. You're right on track." Ren grinned.

"So, how long until we get to Strange City?" Clarissa wanted to know, seeing Ren pull the map out of his pocket.

"Okay. So, we already passed Remnant, then we passed Equestria, then Zootopia, then Waterfall, etc. Also, I think we already passed Sky City."

Jonas chuckled. "Man. They don't call that place Sky City for nothing. Those guys, they weren't kidding."

"Who knew that there was an elevator taking us all the way up to the sky?" Alex agreed.

"I couldn't help but laugh." Nona replied.

"So, how many cities did we pass already?" Clarissa asked.

"To be honest, I don't know how many cities are on this island." Ren said. "And for a bunch of beings we never met, they really made up their lives so fast."

"And how long did these Strange Ones live?" Alex asked.

"Probably during the Middle Ages. I mean, I already purchased a book at the train station's gift shop that was all about the Strange Ones. Man, it had really accurate information about these people. It has at least nine or ten chapters each with their own category. I think one chapter has something to do with every type of Strange Ones on this island."

"Do you still have the book?" Nona asked.

"Yeah. I'll just pull it out and read one part of that one chapter." Ren reached for his bag, pulling out a white hardcover book and opening it as he started reading. "Alright. The Angels are often described as pacifists, all because of their ability to heal people. These people make excellent doctors because they can heal others, but not themselves. Angels can either heal anyone with illnesses, major wounds and bone injuries, and if they are powerful enough, they can resurrect anyone, including animals. If you are hurt, sick, or on the verge of death, the Angels will help you."

"Huh. That does sound like accurate information." Clarissa said.

"I know, right?" Ren agreed, putting the book back into his bag.

"Attention passengers, we'll be arriving Strange City soon." The conductor said from the speakers. "Check under your seat to make sure you don't leave any of your belongings."

Before the group said anything, someone said, "Check under your seat to make sure there are no zombies waiting to eat you."

"Um..." Jonas said.

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