Our First Mission

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Ruby brought the humans to Delta Number 9's map room. Over there, they met up with Petra, who is with Rarity and a young Telepath named Sunset Shimmer, who knew about them ever since they set foot on Strange Island. They were looking at a holographic map of Strange Island, and there was a disaster at Remnant, where a mission was going to take place.

"So, what's going on in Remnant?" Alex asked.

"I think it has something to do with a giant robot." Sunset answered. "That's what I heard from my ability."

"Any idea who's going?" Nona stared at the map.

"Oh, just a few friends. That includes you guys as well." Petra said, getting the humans' gaze.

"Wait. We're going to be attending that mission?" Jonas said.

"They are?" Ruby raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. It was all Asgore and Toriel." Petra explained. "You guys won a game of Capture the Flag, finished a long run and saved that annoying dog from an obstacle course. So, we're allowing you guys to come along."

"Great! When do we head out?" Ren smiled.

"Not just yet." Rarity said. "None of you are going on your first mission looking like that."

"But what about my jacket?" Alex said.

"Don't worry, darling. I have it. I'm just making a little adjustment on it."

"What? But that jacket, it was a hand-me-down! What are you going to do with it?"

"Oh, I knew that jacket of yours was a gift. You will see it again. I guarantee it."

"What do you mean by that?" Alex watched as Rarity left the room. "Wait!"

"Hey. Don't stress out about a jacket." Sunset placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "You guys are just going to have to wear something for battle."

"Really?" Clarissa raised an eyebrow.

"Uh huh." Petra nodded.

"Does that mean either one of us is going to wear a superhero cape?" Ren smiled widely.

"You can say that." Sunset said.


After a while, the humans were given their outfits and weapons. It took a while for Rarity to make their outfits. It was just a while of measuring and stitching. To their surprise, Rarity was a good seamstress, not leaving behind any mistakes on her work. Alphys also gave them new weapons to replace their wristbands. Alex was given a small blaster with a retractable holographic blade, Jonas has a medium blaster along with small throw-able bombs, Ren too has a medium blaster along with a pair of visor glasses, Nona has a pair of shotgun gauntlets, which Alphys got inspiration from Yang's, which were also wrist blades, and Clarissa had a bo staff which Ruby explained was also a sniper rifle. Right now, they were standing inside the living room of Delta Number 9, examining their outfits.

"Well, what do you all think?" Rarity asked. "Not too shabby?"

"I love it!" Nona exclaimed, staring down at her outfit, a white knee-high dress with a flow-y skirt under an orange jacket with the Delta Rune on the back, white leggings that faded to orange down the legs and black boots. Her hair was even in a braid tied with an orange ribbon and she had a forehead crown with an orange gem.

"I'm no fashion model, but eh." Clarissa looked down at her outfit, a blue shirt with the Delta Rune on the chest under a black leather jacket and a red scarf, blue jeans and brown boots.

"Ha! I get the superhero cape!" Ren exclaimed in a white buttoned shirt under a purple cape with the Delta Rune, black pants, gloves and sneakers.

"Is anyone else a little uncomfortable with this?" Jonas said in a white shirt under a green jacket, his regular brown beanie, gray cargo pants, a brown belt and sneakers and finger-less gloves.

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