Look At This Book!

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The next day, Alex and the others were walking to Delta Number 6. Jonas didn't show up for bed last night, so he wasn't with them. After arriving Delta Number 6, they went to one infirmary room. Over there was Frisk and the boy in the pink shirt, Steven, and his best friend, Connie Maheswaran, and they were just there to check on the four members of Delta that Fluttershy brought back: Alphys, Cole, an earth Elemental, Natalie, the light blue Inkling girl who prefers to be called Nat, and Axel's wife, Olivia, a Hacker. Over there, Jane was taking care of them. The humans recently learned that Jane is Jesse's twin sister and Lukas' wife, and they were together since they were their age. The fact about Jesse being her twin made them think that she can heal others as well.

"Frisk, I appreciate your concern." Alphys said. "I really do, but I'm fine. I really am."

"Alphys, are you 100% sure you are okay?" Frisk asked with a tone of concern. "Nothing broken? Nothing bruised? No wounds at all?"

"Frisk, I'm fine. Really." Alphys said with an assuring smile.

Meanwhile, the humans came into the room, and everyone in there noticed them.

"Oh, hey guys." Frisk said. "What are you all doing here?"

"Have you guys seen Jonas last night?" Alex asked. "He hasn't shown up for bed at all."

"Excuse me," Steven said as he got Alex's attention. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but who's Jonas?"

"He's her stepbrother." Frisk answered. "I would know because I met him. I think you would like him. First time I saw his face, he was-"

"Frisk." Connie said, cutting Frisk off.


"We don't want to here the story. We already know how these humans even got here."

"And, what are you doing here?" Ren raised an eyebrow at Connie.

"Same with Saoirse, Connie is staying here for the whole summer." Frisk said. "And yes, her parents know that her best friend's mom was part of Delta, and they promised to keep it secret."


Meanwhile, Nona walked up to Olivia, who was sitting in bed with her hand on her head. Nona sat down on the bed, getting Olivia's attention.

"How are you doing?" Nona said with a smile.

"I'm fine. I just have a small headache." Olivia replied, then sighed. 

"How does it feel?" Nona wanted to know. "You know, getting stunned?"

"Getting stunned really hurts at first, and next then you know it, you feel nothing and everything you see is nothing but a blur. You're paralyzed, you can't see the world in front of you, and you can't feel anything. So, yeah."


For Clarissa, she walked up to Nat, who was spacing out with her arms crossed. "Hey there."

Suddenly, Nat pulled out a light blue squirt gun and squirted a light blue substance at her face. Her pink eyes widen, then she sighed with relief. "I thought you were an Octarian. I am so sorry."

Clarissa wiped the substance off with her hands and looked at them. As she raised an eyebrow, Nat sighed.

"It's ink. Not poison."

With a glare, Clarissa flicked the ink at Nat's face.

"Oh. I get it." Nat said with a smirk. "Payback. Two can play at that game."

"Nat! You can play your little turf war later!" Cole shouted, seeing Nat cross her arms.

"Killjoy." Nat muttered.

"I heard that!"

Jane sighed, applying a bandage on Cole's face. "Just quit your hollering for now, will you not?"

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Frisk started making her way to Cole, then pulled out the paper bag Jay got from Remnant. "Cole. Jay wanted me to give this to you."

"What is it?" Cole asked, taking the bag from Frisk.


"Well, tell Jay I said thank you." Cole smiled, reaching into the bag.

"Just to let you know, he loves cake." Steven whispered to Alex.

"And so I noticed." Alex replied, then rolled her eyes. "Okay. That's enough. Has any one of you seen Jonas? Yes or no?"

"Peridot said she saw him in the library with Sans and Rainbow last night." Steven said. "And if you were wondering, the library's in Delta Number 4."

"Oh. Thanks, but can any of you take us there?"

Frisk volunteered to help the humans find the library in Delta Number 4. To their surprise, the library wasn't that far from them. After they entered the library, the humans' eyes widen to the size of the library. It was bigger than they thought it would be. Soon, they all decided to split up to find Jonas, but Frisk stayed with Alex. Alex looked from one section of the library to another, and finally, she and Frisk found him. Jonas was at a table, and he was asleep with his head resting on a book.

"Oh. He was asleep in the library this whole time." Frisk smiled and turned to Alex, who had a stoic expression on her face. "What?"

With a huff and a glare, Alex walked up to her sleeping stepbrother. 

"Jonas." She said, but got no response. "Jonas!"

Alex's eye twitched when she didn't get a single response from him, so she kicked his leg. As a result, he yelped with pain and fell down from the chair. Jonas sat up and turned to his stepsister. She looked as if she was an angry parent who just saw their child come back home before their curfew.

"Uh...good morning?" Was all Jonas could say. "Okay, what's the big idea? Why did you kick me?"

"You didn't even manage to show up for bed last night." Alex said with anger in her tone. "I was worried sick. Sick, I tell you!"

"Alex, I can explain." Jonas grabbed the book from the table. "Just look at this!"

Alex looked at the book, then read it's cover. "Strange Island's Most Wanted? What's this about?"

"Rainbow said it was a book about the most wanted people on this island." Jonas explained. "You have got to look at this!"

"Jonas, what are you talking about?" Alex wanted to know, seeing Jonas open the book to the page he recently found.

"That guy that attacked us at Mettaton's mansion last night, Sans knew who he was!" Jonas showed Alex the page with the picture of the bull Faunus. "This guy, his name was Adam Taurus. It is said that he and a group of his allies got arrested for dust theft on a train."

"Dust theft on a...what?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Wait. Hold up." Frisk said, joining the conversation and taking the book from Jonas. "Jonas, how did you find this book?"

"I didn't. Sans found it. I asked him a question about the guy, he answered with that book."

Frisk looked at Jonas with wide eyes, then looked down at the book. "I forgot this was even here. I should start hanging in the library more often."

Alex and Jonas looked at each other, then back at Frisk, who placed the book on an empty shelf.

"Now please excuse me, I'm going to find a cookbook for Papyrus."

"Why? He's still learning." Alex said.

Frisk sighed. "He was planning to make pancakes for everyone last night, and I know in my heart that he's going to burn them. And I know what happens next. Weiss finds out Pap is cooking, she will scold him for his poor cooking skills."

"Frisk, the lasagna was bad enough." Jonas said. "I think I would try his other dishes."

"Have you tried his spaghetti?!"


"Good, because yesterday he was looking for you to try his spaghetti! Just be glad you weren't there!" Frisk walked off. "Also, don't tell him I said that. I don't want to hurt his feelings!"

Alex watched as Frisk disappeared into the bookshelves. "Wow. This kid has seen it all."

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