Strange Island

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Have you ever wondered what else is out there besides all of the people around you? Have you ever heard of strange beings who live on an isolated island for a very long time? Ones who can teleport, ones who can communicate with animals, ones who can control the elements? If you wondered about all of this, it's about time you know about the Strange Ones. 

These beings have lived for years, living on an isolated island they call their home. They also share some likings like singing and combat. Years ago, they were separated into groups based on their powers or species. The Warriors, the Mimics, the Elementals, the Morphers, the Puppeteers, the Hackers, the Rogues, the Monsters, the Faunus, the Whisperers, the Lifters, the Speedsters, the Telepaths, the Angels, the Stringers, the Telekins, the Gems, the Seekers, the Aeroes, the Inklings, the Blinkers, and the Timers. 

Each of these groups have special powers. A few years later, they were brought together when one of their group members discovered them, and each one made peace with each other, creating Strange Island, which they call home. Each of them created traditions that they shared every year. Years passed, and they discovered intelligent beings called humans and were impressed by their history. So, they decided to wait for a human to come to their home. Years passed, but no human came, but they decided to be patient. But after years of waiting, a group of them came.


It was a bright summer morning, and a cruise ship was slowly moving on the ocean. The ship was on it's way to Strange Island, so a majority of the passengers are Strange Ones. Inside one room, four teenage humans were asleep. Two of them slept on the floor while the other two slept in beds. Suddenly another teenager walked into the room holding an air horn as he looked around the room. With a snicker, he lifted his air horn and pressed the button, which made a loud noise that woke up everyone. They all turned to the person at the door.

"Ren! What did I tell you about waking us up with that air horn of yours?!" Alex shouted. "I mean, thank you for waking us up, but what did I tell you?!"

"Had to wake you up somehow," Ren explained.

"Ren. We are on a cruise ship, not a circus clown hayride." Clarissa scolded, grabbing a hairbrush from her bag and combing her hair with it. "Just look around you. You probably woke up some passengers around us."

"Oh, come on, Clarissa. A majority of them are probably deep sleepers. They probably didn't hear it."

Since summer has begun, the group was thinking of a way to spend their summer. But Ren thought of a perfect way to spend it and chose to stay at Strange Island for the whole summer. He explained everything before they left, and they agreed and hoped that they will have a good time over there. Their families approved it, and they realized that the only way to get there is to ride a cruise ship. They got their tickets, but once they entered the cruise, they found that the ship was inhabited by superhumans, monsters, Faunus, and anthropomorphic animals. They didn't mind at all, but Alex's stepbrother, Jonas, was a little freaked out. The five suddenly heard a knock on their door, and Jonas walked up to the door and answered. It was one of the passengers and one of their neighbors, Velvet Scarlatina, a rabbit Faunus.

"Oh! Good morning, Velvet." Jonas said. "Is everything okay?"

"Um, I just wanted to let you guys know that the sound from Ren's air horn kind of woke up Coco, and now she's really angry." Velvet grabbed her arm. "I tried to calm her down, but..."

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Alex glared at Ren, who shrugged.

"Hey! Just tell Coco that I'm sorry for waking her up and ticking her off." Ren crossed his arms. "Oh! And don't forget to tell Coco not to beat me up like last time."

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