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Jonas looked up at the giant dog creature with wide eyes as he felt a drop of sweat slide down his face. The creature looked down at him, giving him a cold glare and a growl. Jonas smiled and chuckled nervously and slowly backed up. The creature suddenly let out a loud roar as Jonas ran out of the cave with the creature chasing him. Jonas ran as fast as he could to get away from the creature. He looked back at the giant winged dog that was chasing him. As he kept running, he suddenly tripped on a rock and fell on the ground with his face hitting the dirt. He turned himself over and saw the creature slowly walking up to him and growling at him.

"Uh, nice doggy? Whatever you are called?" Jonas raised an eyebrow.

The creature roared and started to charge at him as Jonas braced himself for impact. Nothing happened to him, so he opened his eyes. Blake was in front of him, and she had her arm extended at the creature. Jonas looked at the creature, who was no longer growling and glaring at Jonas. It's eyes were only making contact with Blake's eyes.

"Easy. Easy, boy." Blake mumbled, seeing the creature sit down, then turned to look at Jonas.

"Uh, I got you worried sick, didn't I?" Jonas looked down.

"I'm really sorry about him." Blake grabbed Jonas' hand and helped him back on his feet. "I think you just woke him up."

"How would you know? I was looking for you until I found that thing! Whatever that thing is called!"

"Oh, him? He's called a Trico." Blake explained. "We usually call him by the name of his species. Besides, he's not that dangerous once you tame him."

"What?! But he's huge! How can someone tame a creature that big?!"

"Hey! Fluttershy's a Whisperer. She can tame creatures big and small."

"What about you? You're a Faunus, for crying out loud!"

"I don't tame large creatures." A grin appeared on Blake's face. "I ride them."

Jonas watched as Blake took hold of Trico's collar and started to peacefully guide him out of the area. With a raised eyebrow, Jonas followed her out of the area, going all the way to a mountain edge. Looking down the mountain, he shuddered, staring into the long way down. Jonas turned to Blake, who started climbing Trico up one of his front legs and onto the back of his neck.

Blake turned to Jonas. "Wanna come?"

"Um, listen." Jonas said. "I...I think I'm good for now."

"Oh, come on. I insist."

Jonas let out a loud sigh. "Alright. Fine."

Grabbing Blake's hand, Jonas climbed up Trico's leg and hopped onto his back. His eyes widen as he stared at the view from the mountain.

"Wow. We are on an actual mountain."

"Yeah. But you might want to hang on to something." Blake smirked.

"What do you mean by-"

Jonas was interrupted when Trico started flying, so he started screaming with shock while he held on to Blake as tightly as he could. As a result, Blake rolled her eyes. Trico suddenly started to spin, making Jonas scream even more. He suddenly heard his phone ringing as he pulled it out of his pockets. It was Alex, so he answered.


"Jonas? Oh, thank goodness you're still alive!" Alex said from the phone.

"Yeah! It's...AH! It's great to be alive too!"

"Jonas. Where in the world are you? I haven't seen you since this morning!"

"I...uh..." Jonas shrieked, hanging on to Blake with all his might.

"Alright, brother. Fess up. What is going on?" Alex wanted to know.

"Hey! Is that your stepsister?" Blake asked.

"Jonas, who is that?"

"Uh..." Jonas let out another shriek. "Blake! Slow him down, will you?!"

"You're with Blake right now?!" Alex exclaimed. "Are you guys on a date or something?"

"No!" Jonas shouted into his phone.

"Oh my gosh! My stepbrother is with a girl who is a Faunus! I have no idea what they are doing, but-"

"Alex! If you are with Ren and you guys are going to sing that song during this phone call..."

"Jonas. I'm not going to sing that song."

Jonas sighed with relief. "Thank you."

"But Ren will, along with Frisk and Asriel Dreemurr! Also, with a touch of Ruby Rose and Pinkie Pie."


"Hit it!"

Suddenly, Ren, Frisk, Asriel, Ruby and Pinkie started singing through the phone. "Blake and Jonas sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-"

Jonas hung up.  "Blake, can you please slow him down?!"

"What? I can't hear you." Blake replied. "Can you repeat that?"

"Can you please slow him down?!"

"You want me to go down?"

"No. No!"

"Okay, if you insist."

Trico suddenly started to fly down as Jonas continued screaming his head off. The giant dog creature reached the surface of the ocean, repeatedly going in and out of the cold and salty water. As for Blake, she didn't even mind.

"Blake! Blake!" Jonas shouted.

"Yeah?" Blake replied.

"I will say this one time, and once only!"

"I'm all ears!"

"Can you please do me a favor and bring Trico to the ground?"

"Okay." Blake looked down at Trico. "Hey, buddy. Find a safe landing."

Trico let out a growl in response and started flying all the way to a rock area surrounded by the water. As he reached it, he set foot on it as Jonas jumped off him and went to his knees. Blake jumped off Trico's back and joined him.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" Blake asked with concern.

"What...what just happened?" Jonas said in response.

"My friend, you just witnessed flight." Blake suddenly noticed that Jonas' hand was in a form of a fist. "Hey. Come on. There's nothing to be afraid of, except the Dark Ones. But, this. I can tell that what just happened was completely new to you. You don't have to be scared of it."

"I'm not scared. I'm just..." Jonas sighed. "I just don't want the ones I know to get hurt. What happened in Remnant, Alex just came up with a plan to take that robot down and it worked. That's why I'm like this. I don't want to lose Alex."

Blake raised both her eyebrows.

"I mean, it was a little bizarre the first time our parents introduced us to each other. After a while, we got along quickly. We see each other a lot, and I was the first to actually introduce her as if she was my actual sister. But that's true. I don't want anything to happen to her. She's... very important to me."

"And so I noticed." Blake sat next to Jonas. "I'll try my best to keep an eye on her and your friends. That includes you as well."

"That sounds like a promise." Jonas said looking at Blake.

"That's because it is a promise." Blake said.

"Wow. I never knew you cared so much. Thanks, Blake."

"Anytime," Blake gave Jonas a jab. "You dork."

"Okay. How about we just get back to the base already?" Jonas got up. "I think I worried Alex long enough."

"Yeah. Let's ride Trico back." Blake got up on her feet and whistled to Trico, getting his attention, then back to Jonas. "Promise you won't scream in my ear on our way back?"

"Eh." Jonas shrugged.

"Close enough."

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