CHAPTER 2: Three years back [EDITED]

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CHAPTER 2: Three years back

***Claire's POV***

I was sitting in the cafeteria with James and Caroline, my best friends at that point of time. Yep. They were my best friends. I was very upset because my father had expired yesterday in a car crash in the highway. People , not exactly people, but doctors said that he was drunk and then driving. But i do not beleive that. My father did not like alcohol. So no chance of it. But if he didnt drink then why would the doctors say something like that? I did not want anyone to know except James and Caroline. They have a right to know. But unfortunately the whole school had heard about it. Everybody came and comforted me saying everything will be alright. I wanted to shout out loud and say " It's no use of comforting me. You people will never feel the pain im feeling right now!!!!!! You will never understand even. And I pray to God that my friends even my enemies do not have to feel the same pain."

"Hey come on Claire. Cheer up. Nothing is gonna happen. We are with u right? So? No worries. " said Caroline.

I simply nodded. I felt like puking after three periods of History, Geography and Maths. Not my favourite day. Next period was english. My favourite but I really did not feel like going to class any more. It was with Caroline even.

The death of my father left quite a impression on me. Me and my father were close. Really close. I was, as they say, a daddy's girl. We used to tell each other everything. From whats botherong us to whats making us happy. We used to know each like the back of the hand. But few months before, we drifted apart because he had to go to different tours and all. Late night calls and texts didnt seem to affect either of us so we stopped contacting each other. Yesterday he was supposed to come back from the last tour of this year. To say i was happy would be an understatement. I was escatic. We could finally have some father-daughter bonding period.

But God didnt listen to me. Help me. I do not want to live anymore, I thought to myself. That is when some of the boys of our class came towards us.

Jeez!!!!!! They were sure coming here to comfort me. And i absolutely do not want that.

"Hey Claire. We heard about your father. We are really sorry mate. But see. He was driving drunk so he was bound to die, isn't it? Even his speed was about 120 km per hour. And listen. It is definitely better not to have a father than listening those filthy scoldings of a father. I guaruntee u. You are definitely the world's luckiest person." said one of the boys and they all started laughing.

And to my surprise my best friends, whom i trusted more than my life, James and Caroline, joined in the laughter. My best friends whom i expected to react angrily or some thing instead they were laughing too. And that too about my father in front of me only? What is wrong with them? Why are they doing this to me? They know how sad I am but still they are doing this?

" So, is your mother having an affair or what? That your father was driving drunk?" said the same boy. That did it. He pushed the absolute wrong button. Though i dont have a great relation with my mom that doesnt mean you can insult her, that too in front of me.

I stood up and slapped hard on the boy's face.

"Don't u dare to have a row about my parents in front of me. Im warning u." I said to him. " And u two. You call yourself as my best friends? You don't even care to revolt against them for me. And what u do is just laugh?" I said to my best friends.

"Oh come on, Claire. We were just having fun. That's it" Said Caroline.

I did not notice when he came but Harry, a boy of my age and same section, was standing right beside me. "You have fun by insulting your best friend's mom and dad? Seriously? You are that cheap?" He said.

"Don't u dare call us cheap! We are not. We were just having fun. Now let my best friend come back to me." said James.

"'My best friend'? Oh really? Where did that come from huh? WE END THIS FRIENDSHIP RIGHT NOW! I don't want any friends who would insult my parents" I spat at him.

I took my bag and was about to leave when James caught hold of my hand. I tried to free it but it was useless. He was too strong for me.

"You are doing a very wrong thing, Claire. You are gonna regret this in future." said James in a dangerous voice and let go of my hand.

I didnt care about what he said. I dont care what he will do. I dont give a damn. James is not like this. He has never insulted me in any way. He never was the reason of my tears. I could feel my eyes sting. But of course Im not gonna cry. Im not gonna let them show that they affect me so much. No. I have to be strong.

I stomped away with Harry, not knowing where to go. Perhaps he noticed this, so he took my hand in his and took me to his table. There i met them. Lily, Bonnie and Jack.

From that very day Caroline and James never stopped teasing me. But i did not care then. Cause I had my true bestest friends with me. Now i knew what real friendship felt like. It doesnt make you feel you low. It makes you feel you are in cloud nine. And i love that feeling. From that day i knew that no matter what happens i will never leave them.

My Harry, Jack, Bonnie and Lily.

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P. S. I LOVE YOU (Editing) #YourStoryIndiaWhere stories live. Discover now