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***Zach's POV***

This time i should not fail.

I have to get her back.

Was my only thought when i saw Claire, Bonnie and.... James walking. James caught my sight first and began to tense up followed by Bonnie and then at last.... Claire. She has lost her glow. Her eyes and face are swollen. Has she been crying?

Of course you dumbass. She has cried because of you. Because you didnt listen to her. Because you didnt trust her.

I tried to shake away these thoughts. Claire had frozen in her place. Our eyes locked with each others. I tried to see into her eyes more deeply. Her eyes showed me how much pain she had suffered. Just because of me. I could see her still in pain as if sh-


I was so absorbed in my thoughts that i didnt even see James walking towards me. He was facing me. I guess he wanted to talk. So be it.

"Yes James?" I could sense the venom in my voice and i bet he could too because i saw him flinch. Great start.

"Um. Im soo sorry Zach. I really am. You dont know how much i regret kissing Claire. I dont know what came upon me. I just lost it. I just lost my self control. But then gradually i realized that Claire was not meant for me as I started hanging around with Bonnie. In the beginning also i felt attracted towards her but i tried to deny it because i thought i loved Claire. I agree i loved Claire. But i got over it because i found my one and true love Bonnie. So please. Please forgive me and accept Claire back? Please?" James said.

I could understand he was regretting but still i couldnt get over the fact that he touched my, my Claire. "James how could you? This is the second time because of you Claire is unhappy! Yes. I know it. I know every single detail. I know you had betrayed her back then. Maybe it was because of Caroline. But i dont care. You should have man up and said it before only. But you didnt. You-"

James interrupted me before i could even finish my speech. Damn him. I have been waiting fir this speech for so long and he justs cut me off? "Zach please. I know i did wrong back then. I apologized to Claire also. She has forgiven me. Can you? If she can, can you?"

I hesitated. I knew he was right. I knew Claire had forgiven him. She talked about it with me too. I had agreed with her then. He is right. If Claire can, why cant i?

"Yes you are right James. I know i should forgive you. But i just cant take away the fact you kissed my girlfriend without asking her and because of you we had to break up. And then you turn up in front of Claire as if nothing happened and then tge next minute you are kissing her best friend?" I could see Bonnie shaking her head.

"Zach.. Bonnie was there for me when no one was. She helped me get through my difficult times. I didnt even know i loved her until... until i regretted kissing Claire. I and Claire both broke off suddenly. She pushed me because she loves you. And i pushed away because Bonnies image flashed to my mind. I know it sounds cliché bt its true. And then i ran off feeling this heavy guilt of betraying Bonnie. I told her about the kiss and then accepted the love i had for her. And she had the same feeling. So we ended up together. I want you both to be to-"

"Oh crap James. Cut the shit. Why dont you ju-"

"Why dont you just shut the fuck up Zach? Why are you yelling at James? Are you trying to forget the fact that Im still here and angry on you for not projecting the trust i have for you?" I heard the oh-so-familiar voice. Claire.

I hesitantly turned towards her. She's right. Im just dragging this conversation to avoid talking to Claire, I guess. To avoid seeing her eyes filled with disappointment for me. To avoid feeling that she doesnt like me anymore. All of these whenever i think shatters me completely. I regret the first time i let her go at Starbucks. And then the whole procedure repeats itself. Only that it was James and not Harry. I feel so guilty myself for not trusting her. For not trusting the most amazing girl i have ever met. For not trusting the love of my life. For not trusting my girl. I feel extremely guilty.

"Claire.. I am so sorry. I-"

"Zach.. i  really am not in a mood to fight if you are here to do that." She sighed.

I looked at her. And slowly made my way to her. I tried to hold her hand but she moved back. I was shocked, hurt, surprised, apalled and what not. She has never recoiled from my touch. I tried to cover my face and not show her the pain i felt.

"Okay. So Claire. Here i go again. Claire i seriously fell head over heels for you the first time we talked. I knew it from the beginning that we might have some chemistry but i dont know how. Then the first time i sa-"

"Please cut the crap and get to the point." Claire said.

It hurt but okay. I will save it for the future. "Claire. Im sorry. i really am. You dont know how much i missed you these two weeks. Not hearing your voice, not getting touch you it was really making me mad. I couldnt help. Everytime i tried to concentrate on something i would think of. I dreamt of you. I know forgivimg me isnt easy for you. I didnt trust you two times back to back. I couldnt help it. I saw the love of my life with someone else. I too lost it. But now i know. Relationships are always based on trust. If you love someone you have to trust them. And now i rrust you. So lets begin a relationship again on the basis of trust. So, Claire Bolton, will you please be my girlfriend again? And this time i promise to treat you right." I said and kneeled down.

God. Please Claire. Say yes say yes.

And then she said the exact thing i said to her. Now i know how it feels like to hear it from the person yu love.

Damn it.

Damn me.

Damn those three words.

"I need time." With that she walked off.


《Nothing to say. It just hurts writing. Writing sad things. I hate doing this to my characters. Next chap will be goody.

Elena. XOXO. 》

P. S. I LOVE YOU (Editing) #YourStoryIndiaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat