CHAPTER 1: High School [EDITED]

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So...Hey guys.. I have decided up a plot..Its not really a plot but it is a romance as well as a friendship based story. I hope you guys will enjoy it.

Is it true? Can you never fall in love with a guy in the net? Can your best friends betray you? The friends whom you hold close to your heart? Whom you cannot live without? These are the questions of a teenage girl named Claire to herself. Find out about her story in P.S.I Hate You.

I do not want to offend anyone by this story. I just am portraying the difficulties i think a teenage girl can face. Thats it.

Thanks and regards,


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CHAPTER 1: High School

***Claire's POV***

At last. The day comes when i have to go to high school. I don't know if i will be able to fit there. What will happen? Will I get the same class again? The class I loved the most???

I got up from bed with these thoughts. Seriously why am i fretting though? Its not like something bad is going to happen, right? Its high school after all.

I walked towards the washroom to take a shower to calm my nerves. The hot water tickles my skin but after some time i got habituated. It feels so soothing. After showering I walked into my walk-in-closet and searched for a good dress. First impression should be good.

If you want to know, well here's it. I am 18 years and have four best friends. My father died three years back and I and my mom live alone. I have four best friends for whom i can give my life. Its Harry, Lily, Jack and Bonnie. They are true friends of mine and i know they will never leave me. Especially Harry. When it comes to me, he's like freaking Edward Cullen. He knows what i am thinking, why i am angry hurt or sad and knows exactly what to do at that time. Yes he knows me inside out amd same for me.

As i pick out my out my outfit, my phone goes off, indicating a text message. I walk towards my bedside table and unplug it from the charger to look who it is. Its 7:30 in the morning so i expect only one guy who can text me.

Speak of the devil

Yep. Its Harry.

Harry: Pick you up at 8?

Yeah we used to go together but today my mom wanted me to go with her. Its a custom kind of thing. She drops me to school on my first day of the term. And as usual Harry has forgotten.

Me: No you dimwit. My mom will drop me. Remember? Its like tradition!

Harry: Oops. Sorry. I forgot. It feels empty without you in my car. Anyways see ya at school.

Yeah yeah. Feels empty, my ass. Anyway i got ready and put up a light makeup and lip gloss. I also curled my hair at the end living it to fall on my back. I am not the sexy blonde but i am not that bad looking if i say so myself. Sure, i have blonde hair but I am not that skinny. I have brown eyes a quality of my father which i admire.

As i was about to descend the stairs my mom called for me.

"Yes im coming mom." I yelled back.

I got in the car with my mom. "How's everything?" She asked me.


"You ready for high school?"

"Yeah somewhat. I am a little tensed and thats all."

Me and my mom's relation is not that nice. So i cant talk freely to her as i can with Harry.

We reached school within ten minutes and i got out of the car, waved 'Goodbye' to my mother and walked towards my school.

Its okay. Everything will be alright.

With these comforting thoughts I entered the school gate. I saw my friends standing right there waiting for me. My friends. My best friends. Lily was literally smiling like an idiot. And of course. Harry. A pleasant smile which always makes me smile back was on his face. Jack came forwards and hugged me tightly. His hug always crushed me. No matter what. Then I hugged everyone. Along with my sweet little Bonnie.

"So? Wts up? You look like you have not slept for days, sis!!!!" exclaimed Harry. We used to call each other like this. I used to call him bro while he called me sis.

"It's nothing, bro. Just been tensed. That's it." I tried to sound cheerful. But no one was fooled.

"Let me guess." said Jack. "Worried if we will be in the same class or not. Right?"

I smiled.

"Yay! Five points to me! Gotcha!" said Jack and punched me lightly on my shoulders.

"Gimme my twenty bucks Jacky." Harry whispered to Jack.

"Hey! I heard that Harry!" I glare at him.

"Hey no no." Harry puts up his hands in the air in mock surrender. "I was just kidding, right dude?" He asked Jack for his support but he shrugged not really supporting me.

"Fine fine fine!!!! Enough now. The hugging ceremony is definitely over.. Listen. There is a bad news as well as a good news. Which one first???!" said Lily.

"Er.. let's hear the good one first then" I replied.

"The good news is......."


"WE ALL ARE TOGETHER IN THE SAME CLASS!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!! " they said together.

I stood still for a minute grasping what they said. They said that we were in the.....Oh my God!!!!!

"Fuck! I have been so worried all the time!!!!! Yay!!!!!' I said. And hugged Lily tight. "Woah!!! So what are we waiting for? Let's get going now!!!"

"Won't you hear the bad news Claire?" said Bonnie for the first time.

"Oh yeah! The bad news....Um...I forgot...Let's hear it too then." I said.

As soon as i said this i saw all of their faces fall. What is wrong? I could not understand anything.

"What's up, guys? What has happened? You gotta tell me anyhow. So why not know?" I said.

That is when i heard it.

"Hey what's up, Claire? Heard the good news? We both are in the same section this yeas. Isn't it good? We will have loads I guess you know what I mean." said Caroline smiling crookedly.

I turned back and stared at her, shocked. Disappointment washed through my body.

All the best, Claire. This is what will happen to you. Your first explosion on your first day itself. All the very best.

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Okay guys. This one's edited. Hope you like it.

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