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CHAPTER 13: Alone

***Claires POV***

Have you ever brought your boyfriend to your house? Especially when you are all alone?

Let me tell you. A very good idea as well as bad. You should be prepared for a night filled with surprises. Well, i thought that it will be kind of same when i brought over Harry or Jack. But..

Yes, there always is a but.

Newsflash. It's not like how you bring over your guy friends. It's a complete different feelings. Mixed different feelings. Anxiousness, excitement, enjoyment and a little fear, all bundled uo together. You can clearly imagine how it can be.

As soon as i reached my house, I opened the door and we got in.

I kept the house key on the table kept beside the door and said to Zach, "I know its not a big house or something. But its home for me and my mom of course. Its beautiful for me, for us." I smiled, looking at the house lovingly.

After a minute Zach said, "Indeed." I looked at him and saw he was looking at me, with a soft smile on his face.

I looked away so that he couldn't see my face was on fire. But, alas, he knew. He cuckled slightly and wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me towards him, my back facing his chest. He then rested his head on my right shoulder and whispered, "You look beautiful when u are blushing." His voice send me shivers down my spine. He removed my hair from the shoulder and shifted it to the left one one. He, then, started kissing my shoulder and my neck which made me whimper in pleasure.

Oh my god. It feels so good.

Suddenly, he twirled me around and looked me in the eyes. His stare held so much intensity that i felt like he was staring at my soul.

"D-do y-you w-w-wanna watch a m-movie?" I stuttered and mentally cursed myself.

"Yeah sure." Zach said and tried very hard not to smile. I blused a little and told him to choose one and sit in the couch while i got something to eat.

Zach went over to the front couch and startex looking through the piles of movies kept.

"Coffee? Chips or popcorn? Anything you want?" I asked walking towards the kitchen.

"Umm. Coffee will do. And popcorn?" He said goving me a warm smile which mafe my knees go weak.

"Okay." I said and praised myself for not embarrassing myself.

I went to the kitchen to make 2 cups of coffee. I made some popcorn too and kept in the bowl. Then I took all of them to the table and kept it in front of the couch where we would be sitting, and sat beside Zach. Zach had chosen X-men and Conjuring. Not wanting to see X-men we decided to watch The Conjuring.

We sat close to each other, his arms around my shoulder and my head on his chest. First half an hour was a little bearable where they show that the family was moving in to the house. But in the next hour when the ghost jumps from the top of the cupboard i jumped and screamed out loud. Zach sensed that i was getting afraid so he paused the movie and looked at me. "Hey.. its ok.. i switched it off.. chill honey.."

I was still shaking in fear. I had never seen a horror movie. Yes. You heard that right. Call me a scaredy cat or whatever but i haven't watched one.

He hesitated and then leaned in. Our foreheads were touching and our noses also. Then he slowly put his lips on mine. As usual my heart started beating furiously. God knows why this happens. He moved his lips to part my lips. And slowly his tongue slipped into my mouth trying to taste me. He was going very gentle as if he is afraid of hurting me. As if i will break by his simple touch. His kisses sent butterflies in my stomach. I wrapped my arms around his head trying to bring him more closer to me. I clutched his hair so hard maybe it would have hurted him. Since i had to breathe we pulled apart. He swinged me into his lap so that I was straddling him and started to kiss me on my neck everywhere. Then again he found my lips and started kissing. This time more passionately. After some time we pulled apart. Our breaths were ragged and our forehead touched.

"I think we should stop. If i kiss you one more time i will loose my self control. I dont want to force you into this. No. You can take as much time as you want. There's no rush." Zach said, heavily breathing.

This is when i know. I know that he is the guy with whom I am gonna trade my V-card. This is the guy im gonna loose my virginity with. And this is the correct time. Now i need him. Need him like anything.

"Zach. If i ask u something will u agree to it?" I ask.

"Yes. Definitely."

"Make love to me tonight. I want you. I love you. And I'm not rushing. I'm sure about my decision."

"Are you absolutely certain Claire? I can wait. As long as you want. You dont have to do this for my sake honey. It was never about bed between you and me. I made love to you when i held your hand, when i hugged you, when i made you smile. It was never about bed and it never will be."

"I am absolutely sure. I'm not that generous. I need you. I want you. Now. Shut up and kiss me."

He waits no more and starts kissing again this time it becomes heated. He lets me lie on the couch and he lies on the top of me, hovering over me. His chest pressing my breasts. He kisses me everywhere making me feel like the happiest person in the world. Our lips part and i suddenly miss his soft lips on mine. He then scoops me up in his arms and walks up the stairs to my bedroom. His look makes me blush like a tomato. He opens the door and makes me lie down on the bed and then comes over me. He starts to unbotton my shirt. And i do the same.

And with that, I'm pretty sure you can understand what happened. It made me feel more closer to him. It made us feel connected. It made us feel like we were one.
The strong suns rays fell on my eyes. I get up to see a very peaceful sleeping Zach lying beside me. And all the thoughts came back rushing to my head of last night. I smiled to myself. I wrapped the bedsheet around me and went up to get dressed since I needed to go to school. Zach had finished high school. He was enrolled in a college but he hardly went there. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and then i dressed myself. When i returned to me bedroom i saw that Zach had already gotten up by then and was making pancakes. Delicious, i thought to myself. When he saw me he said, "Morning princess."

I smiled at him and walked over to him. "Morning baby." I pecked him on the lips and sat on the chair ready ro eat breakfast with him and start the day.

This was the best decision till now. I love him and I'm sure he loves me. Im happy to be in this relationship and I'm glad I found him.

Hello ppl! I have edited this chap. I recently found out that there are a few people who are 12 to 13 years of age are reading this book. So i decided to exit this and remove the intimate scene so that they don't have any trouble reading it! It's better this way i guess.

Please feel free to like and comment!

Elena. XOXO. 》

P. S. I LOVE YOU (Editing) #YourStoryIndiaWhere stories live. Discover now