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CHAPTER 4: I Love Her

***James' POV***

POOR Claire. Caroline will never leave. Why is she doing this? Why doesn't she let it go?

Of course. How can she. After all she is Caroline. She cannot ever let a grudge go. Like, ever. Even when she was friends with Claire and enemy with someone else. I don't know what's wrong with her. That day is clear as photo to me.

I had immediately regretted laughing at that guy's lame joke the moment I saw Harry walking towards us. I knew something or the other was going to happen as he came to us, walking. I thought after abandoning us she would definitely come back to us because no one else would let her join their group, since they knew we would never let that happen. But the fact that there's Harry's group who are willing to be friends with anyone else despite what other people say slipped out of my mind at that time. So, yes. I regret it. I regret letting her go that day. You know why? Let me tell you. I love her. Yeah. Not that friendship kind of love. I am in love with her. You heard right.

"Bitch." Caroline muttered

"Could you stop calling her bitch? She's not that bad for God's sake." I said but immediately regretted it. I didn't want Caroline to know about my feelings towards Claire. She will become my enemy and would want to make Claire's life more disturbing because she gets more attention than her. You might be wondering how I know that, right? I was friends with her for the half of my life, goddamit!

"What did you just say? Are you growing feelings towards her,now?" She scowled at me. God, i need to think something fast. I can't let her believe her own words which is kinda true.

"No, of course not. How can you even think that? Actually, babe, the word doesn't sound good on your pretty pink lips." I said in an attempt to flirt. It worked thankfully. God, anything works with this girl if you give her attention.

"Aww James. Thanks." She smiled at me. I looked at her. Her face was covered with loads of makeup. God knows what they are called. All artificial makeup.

"Now let's go to class immediately." The faster i move the sooner i will be able to see her. I said the latter in my mind. Look at my pathetic condition. Running to see a girl who can't be ever mine again.

"Let's." Caroline said.

With that we started to move towards our class. Caroline sensed that i was a little eager and was moving faster than necessary. I hate to admit it but she knows me too well.

She asked, "Whats wrong? Am i missing something here?" She crossed her arms on her chest. My eyes immediately trailed down to her chest. What? I am a guy! I quickly averted my eyes to look at her glaring at me.

"No no. I just dont want us to be late you see. First impression has to be good. Dont you think?" I said hoping it would work on her.

"Yes yes. You are absolutely right. Let's go."

There was no further discussion on our way to the classroom.
The moment i stepped into the i scanned the class for Claire. There she was an elegant beauty gossipping, laughing heartily with Harry, patting his arm, hugging Jack. A sense of hatred aroused within me towards those two. Those two could do make her laugh, smile and most importantly be with her, which i couldn't. I sighed.

"Hey come on Jamesy. Sit here." Caroline called out to me.

I sighed and walked towards her.

I was becoming her puppet.

And i really didnt want that.


《Again short. But can't help since i am only editing and not re-writing the story!


And vote and comment. It will make my day completely!

Thanks for the votes on the previous chap!

Hugs and love,
Elena. Xoxo. 》

P. S. I LOVE YOU (Editing) #YourStoryIndiaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu