I look to Austin who shrugs, “I don’t know Ally.” I nod and watch as the doctor comes back in and give Aubrey some drops in her ear. We wait about 10 minutes and Aubrey quits crying, “No hurt.” We all laugh and she smiles. I get up and shake the doctor’s hand, “Thank you so much.” He nods, “I couldn’t stand to see Miss Aubrey crying like that.” I laugh and she hugs him, “Twank you.” I laugh and she comes over and hugs me.

The doctor gave Austin the script for the drops and we head out to my car. I put Aubrey in the car seat and smile to Austin, “Thank you for coming.” He laughs, “Well, she is my daughter.” I laugh and push him some, “Really Austin, thank you. I was losing it in there. I’m glad you came to help.” He smiles and pulls me into a hug, “Anytime Ally. I was worried when I got your text this morning.” I smile, “I’m sorry I just thought you should know even if it wasn’t anything big.” He smiles, “Well, thank you for telling me.” I nod and he starts to walk away.

“Austin wait.” He turns around and smiles, “Yeah?” I laugh, “You have the script.” He shrugs, “Take her home. I will get the medicine and be by after I get it.” I smile and get in the car heading to my house.

When I pull into my house Aubrey is giggling. I turn around and smile, “What are you laughing about?” She looks up and smiles, “Momma and Dadda play.” I look around confused. “I don’t understand.” She smiles and I laugh before getting out and getting Aubrey and handing inside. I set her down and she smiles and runs into the living room. “Pwincess.” I laugh and put on a princess movie and sit down on the couch as she curls up on her make shift bed.

I take my phone out of my jacket and see that I have 2 missed calls. I open them and see Alex called me twice. I smile and call him back, “Ally, hey I tried calling but you didn’t answer. I figured you were still asleep.” I laugh a little, “No actually I was at Aubrey’s doctor. She woke up with an ear ache and I had to take her in.” He sighs, “IS she doing okay? Does she need anything? DO you need anything? Why didn’t you call, I could have came with you.” I smile at the thought of Austin holding my hand and being sweet, “Oh its okay. We are fine. Austin came with me and he is getting her medicine.” He laughs, “Well I was going to come see you but I think maybe in a day or too.” I laugh, “Alex you can come over. I don’t mind and Aubrey won’t mind.” He laughs, “Well, I will come over later today then.” I laugh and agree. We hang up and I watch as Aubrey falls asleep.

I hear the door open and see Austin walk in. “Hey I got the medicine.” I smile and he comes and sits next to me. He sees her asleep and smiles, “Well at least she is feeling better.” I nod and lean back on the couch. He grabs my hand and smiles at  me, “You know you look so natural today.” I laugh and look down and see my sweats and gym shoes with a jacket to match, “Austin, I was in a hurry. I didn’t have time for anything.” HE smiles and looks at me, “You don’t have to. You always look beautiful.” I blush and look down.

We sat there for awhile just talking. I miss how we use to do this for hours. Aubrey woke up and looked around, “Hey baby girl.” She smiles at me and Austin together and runs and jumps in the middle of us. We laugh and put on a movie and honestly it was fun just being together as a family.

Austin gets up and kisses my cheek and then Aubrey’s, “I have to go.” Aubrey looks down but then smiles. I smile and nod. He heads out the door and I turn to Aubrey, “So do you want food?” She smiles and nods. I get up and walk into the kitchen and make her some mashed potatoes and get her baby vegetables.  

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now