"Had it for about two week. This is just the first time I'm wearing it, so yes a new look."

"How did you get clothes with out me. We are like shopping buddy's."

"I know, the day we all went home after Ice cream. Well, me I stayed out little longer looking around. Wile I saw a place I couldn't take my eye off. Went in and the next thing I knew I bought an outfit. Sorry I didn't tell you or call you to come."

"No buggy it's not like we have to do ever thing together. Even if we are shopping buddy's."

"Ya I think if we didn't have a little time apart. We have nothing to cache about. We would just sit in silence more."

"So right. Like now. Ok we should get going. Don't want to miss one mint of fun."

"Oh no we don't. Missed enough as is. Lets not miss  any more. On we go" I say. Doing the look as we check each other. Making sure we have nothing out of place. After she looks over me and me here, looking great. We go arm and arm out the door skipping. Zana's parents laugh a little as we do so. In no time were at the fair. How cool is this, it's a music fair. What's bater then music. Oh wait nothing. Going around we look at the booths. Trying some great food with some awesome music playing. I'd have to say this town knows how to have a good time with some great bands playing.

Seeing Zana is having a great time. Trying to eat as much as she can. This is not usually her or me. We like to eat heathy. Making us look good and feel good. You probably guested that we like to look are best. This is a time we stuff are self having no care. We can eat bad some times. That's what I say. To saying as I glance over to Zana. "Slow down girl, your going to hurt your self eating that fast. We do, having all day. It's not like we are in a rush."

"I know I just can't help it, but ok I'll slow down. Don't want to hurt my self." I get a drink with some Cotten candy as we go on are way to we're the bands are playing. "I can't believe they got these great bands for the fair." Zana says.

"I know right. Was thinking the same thing." I say

"What would make this day the greatest of them all if Jesse McCartney came up to play. Oh my gosh yes."

"Oh Zana of cores you think that. Well I would like to see him live. Oh wait look over there." Staring to sing I pertained to be Jmac. "Hey girl. Yes you. Come on up." Singing to Zana.

"Oh my gosh. Really me. Oh stop it, theres much bater girls here, then me. Why pic me." Wile fluttery her arms all happy.

"Cuss you glow like an angel." Ok yes he wouldn't say that, but still. I stop singing ending with a bow.

Zana clapping, "Woo ya Jesse." Her smiling at it all. "Oh thanks Jane. You really know how to make a time so great."

"What who. I'm not Jane. I'm Jesse last time I knew."

"Lol of cores your Jesse." Punching my arm playfully. "So is Jane back now?"

"Why yes. Jesse had some things to do. To bad he couldn't stay longer." I say putting my arm around Zana. "Hey lest get out if this big crowd and look around some more. That sound good?"

"Sure dose. I think at this rate. If I stay to close to the music my ears may fall off."

"Oh no, don't want that. Ok we really should go then." Walking out of the crowd arm and arm. Eating some of my Cotten candy. Playing a few of the games they had. Playing pop that balloon. I try, try and try looking like I'm about to win, but of cores a kid beats me to it. "Darn, why can't I win at least one game at theses fairs." I pout a little.

"Oh cheer up Jane. You'll win one some day. No need to be sad over it. Lets not make this a sad day now. This is supposed to be a great day. Just you and me."

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