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[soojin's pov:]

i decided to go out for a walk. i've been staying indoors for too many days, one main reason is because my mother was too worried for me to go outside. but i did anyways.

the sunshine blinded for a second before my eyes adjusted to their senses. i put my hands in the pockets of my jacket that i wore as i walked further down the street and farther away from my house. maybe some coffee will wake up my senses.

slowly, i approached a very familiar convenience store. on the window, i saw some advertisements for coffee and drinks, and even hot buns. it peaked my interest so i decided to walk in and see what they had.

the moment i walked through the door, the person at the counter greeted me.

"oh, soojin! it's been a while!" a boy with mochi looking cheeks waved at me.

i was embarrassed slightly because i actually couldn't remember his name. but he looked nice.

"i-i'm sorry. you have to forgive me, i can't remember your name," i softly said to him. he gasped at me and pouted slightly.

"yah, it's been months and you already forgot my name. your fault for never coming to visit," he said shaking his head with arms crossed across his chest.

"i just got into a car accident recently... and uh, my doctor told me i have amnesia. so i really am sorry if i can't remember," i softly said apologizing.

instantly, the look on his face turned from pouting to an apologetic expression.

"oh my, i'm sorry," he softly said, his head hanging lower just slightly.

"no, no, it's okay. you didn't know," i said to him. he gave a small smile.

"so, what would you like today?" he asked leaning slightly against the counter.

"mm, well, i am in the mood for some coffee," i softly began to say.

"oh, yeah, we have some. i can make it if you'd like," he said smiling.

"oh, no, i can---"

"no, no. go sit down. i'll go make it right quick," he said as he went over to side where the coffee machine was.

i watched him in amazement and watched as he grabbed a cup.

"what would you like?" he asked from the machine.

"um, just black coffee."

he gave a nod of his head and poured some black coffee. i walked over to a small table near the window and sat in the chairs. suddenly, he placed the cup of coffee in front of me and sat down next to me.

"oh. thank you," i said smiling at him. "um how much do i pay?"

"it's on me," he smiled widely. looking at confused, my eyes slowly trailed to his name tag.

"thank you... jimin," i said as i smiled.

"so you finally remember my name?"

i giggled and shook my head. "it's on your name tag."

his face flushed red in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head. "oh, right."

i smiled and brought the cup to my lips as i took a sip of the bitter coffee. wow, that's strong.

"are you not going to go back to work?" i asked.

"oh my workmate has it." the both of us turned to the cash register where another guy with light caramel hair stood there helping out customers.


jimin smiled and then looked at me. "so what have you been doing... ever since your accident?" he asked softly.

"um, well, staying at home. nothing has been happening," i softly said.

"sounds boring," he said pouting.

"yeah, that's why i came out today, when i'm really not suppose to."

"tch, so you're saying you'll get in trouble for being out here?" he asked.


he gave a small chuckle and shook his head. i gave a sip of the coffee and made a face from the bitter taste that entered my mouth.

it was until later i finally finished my coffee and decided it was time for me to go.

"i'll walk you home. it's the least i can do," jimin suddenly said as he stood up with me. i raised an eyebrow.

"are you sure? you don't have to."
"no, i want to. if it's okay with you."

i chuckled softly. "yeah, that's alright."

jimin looked over to his workmate. "taehyung-ah, i'll be going now!" he waved. i looked over to the counter to the person named taehyungand suddenly, the guy gasped.


i gulped and looked at the guy surprised. "do i know you?" i softly asked. his mouth went agape as he stared at me.

"it's me taehyung! sulli's boyfriend!! how can you not remember me??"

"whoa, bro. just chill a bit. she got... into a car accident," jimin said to him.

"a cAR aCCidENT?!" he said even louder.

"please shush," i said looking at the lunatic.

taehyung eyed me and jimin before crossing his arms. "dont think i'm going to let this slide," he mumbled cutely.

"we're going now. i owe you taehyung," jimin said as he suddenly took my arm and led me out.

"wait, yah! where's yoongi?!" i hear his voice call out. but we already left.

"so you still remember what high school you go to?" he asked me.

"yeah, but i haven't been going. the teachers are giving me time to recover," i explained to him.

jimin made an 'o' shape with his mouth as we walked in silence after that.

"we should hang out sometime," he suddenly said. looking at him, i raised in eyebrow.

"i don't see why not," i said slightly giving a smile.

"here, do you have your phone with you?"

he held out his hand as he waited for me. slightly confused, i pulled out my phone and handed it to him anyways. i watched as he pushed randomly on the screen of my phone as we walked. soon, he handed it back.

"chim chim?" i asked laughing slightly.

he grinned evily as we walked together. soon we came upon my house where i saw yoongi waiting by the footsteps. he slowly stood up to his feet. jimin must have saw since he cleared his throat.

"i'll go now," he softly said.

"thank you," i said to him before he left. i watched as he walked away and when he did, i walked closer to the front door.

"who was that?" he asked.

startled slightly, i looked up at him. "just a friend i met at the convenience store, down the street."

he inhales a sharp breath and exhales it out, before i spoke up.

"why were you waiting outside?"
"i was waiting for you of course!"
"you didn't have to."
"i wanted to."

oh man, you guys will really hate me... ><

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