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[soojin's pov:]

it only took a simple word to answer his question. i said yes.

that night was the most happiest moment i've had ever to happen me. as of that night, i got to dance with him. and as of that night, yoongi and i were a thing now. of course, news had spread throughout the school, so it was no secret.

i even told my mother and she seemed okay with it. she was actually very happy.

the next day at school, i entered the school building and went straight to my locker to put away some unnecessary journals when all of a sudden, sulli leaned against the locker beside me and had a huge smirk plastered on her face.

"what?" i simply asked.

"did you really just 'what' me?" she gasped.

i couldn't help but laugh at her. shaking my head, i zipped my backpack and closed up my locker as we both started to walk-and-talk.

"soojin's got a boyfriend, soojin's got a boyfriend," sulli cheered making up some weird dance as we walked.

"yah, stop," i laughed.

"who cares? everyone knows now," she grinned.

i smiled at her thinking of the fact that yoongi and i were officially a thing, but that smile faded away when the thought of seoyul popped into my mind. i never forgot what she did to me. and now, she'd probably make more fun of me.

"why the worried face all of a sudden?" sulli asked raising an eyebrow as she looked at me.

"oh, sorry. i was just thinking i need advice on this whole relationship thing," i told her.

"don't worry just be yourself around him. he likes you for you, so just be you, got it? i got to run now soojin. i'll see you later, okay?" she said as she gave a small wave to me.

"oh, alright. see you sulli."

and just like that, we went our separate ways. class was about to start, so i made my way to my homeroom class. with just my luck, i could probably be early than seoyul. but unfortunately, i was wrong.

waiting inside the classroom was seoyul herself along with her friends beside her.

"aw, look! soojinnie's here. where's your boyfriend, huh?" she mocked innocently, laughing afterwards. i avoided eye contact from her as much as possible throughout the whole class period.

the teacher entered in and everyone was instructed to take their seats and pull out their textbooks to start working. sighing softly to myself, i lowered my head to my desk slightly. off to another long day.

the bell finally rang for lunch. i was happy enough just to get out of class, hopefully to see yoongi. but i was startled when i saw yoongi just waiting outside the door. instantly, a smile appeared on his face.

"oh, you're here. i was just about to go to the music room," i said looking at him. the fringes of his hair were back into their usual place as they were sligtly swept across his forehead.

"mm, i thought i'd meet you here first," he softly said. a tint of pink rose in my cheeks. "well, i'm hungry. lets go get lunch first?" i asked him.

he gave a nod of his head. "sure."

we walked together side-by-side earning stares from other students that roamed the hallways. some of them began whispering to one another.

soon, we entered the music room. i went ahead and flipped the light switch on and then walked over to sit down on the floor near the piano. yoongi followed and sat down across from me.

"oh, here's the container your mother let me borrow," he suddenly said as he opened his backpack.

he pulled out the container and handed it to me. i couldn't help but chuckle quietly as i took the container from him.


i went ahead and placed the container away in my backpack. when i finished, i looked over at yoongi to see him taking out his phone and a pair of earbuds.

"hey, i want you to listen to something," he softly said. he handed me one of the earbuds and placed the other one in his own ear. slowly, we scooted closer to one another as i plugged the earbud into my ear.

the sound of a melodic piano tune filled my ear. it was so mesmerizing that i didn't even notice yoongi was watching me as i listened. when the song ended, i formed an 'o' shape with my mouth as i clapped cutely.

"wow, that was really great. i loved the sound of it," i said smiling at him.

"i listen to these kind of stuff all the time. it calms me for some reason," he began to say.

i smiled. "you really love the piano, don't you?"

he didn't say anything at first but gave a simple nod of his head.

"i don't know. i just can't imagine myself without knowing the piano."

"that's nice. i mean, it's a good thing you can play the piano." curiously, i thought more to myself until a question popped into mind.

"what else can you do that i don't know about?"

he thought quietly to himself as his facial expression went blank but then, he clicked a few things on his phone. and before i knew it, a piano played in the background but it sounded like a recording. just 5 seconds later, someone begins rapping just as smooth as a river flows.

i listened hard and felt the beat come through. it was actually very catchy although the voice sounded slightly familiar... yet i don't know. the song ended and i looked at yoongi with a confused expression on my face.

"no way! is that... you?" i asked.

"i may have wrote and recorded my own songs," he said as he took the earbuds off and then placed them away.

"yoongi, you seriously are talented. i'm surprised you haven't been scouted out by anyone."

"well, it's hard to put myself out there. i'm just not well known enough," he said shrugging his shoulders.

slowly, he suddenly laid flat down on the floor with his head laying on my lap. blushing lightly, i looked down at him, our eyes connecting with one another once more.

"yah, stop staring like that," i said softly trying to not stare at him so much.

"what do you mean? i'm not doing anything." he smiled widely showing his gummy smile with his eyes slightly closed. i laughed to myself and just stared at him.

i can't believe yoongi is my boyfriend. what more could i ask for?

first love | m.yoongiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora