Chapter 13

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Jack pov

I wake up to her a baby cry. I turn and see Mark was awake. He was already gone. I try to go back to sleep but crying only got louder.

'Jack please come in the room'

I groan and push myself up. I begin the short hallway to the nursery. I open the door and see a figure.

"She's hungry."Mark's deep voice said soothingly handing me the baby. I look down at this little light. Probably because I don't know what the child looks like yet.

"It's okay baby girl, Momma's here."I mudder softly.

I wake up to see a dark room. It was a dream, but it felt so really, well until Mark handed me a light bulb baby. And we kept saying baby girl or she.

Maybe it was a sign, maybe we are having a girl. I sit up and look at my stomach.

"Hi Hunter."I quietly spoke running my hand up and down my quarter of a watermelon of a stomach.

"Hey Jack what's up? "Mark grumbles sitting up with me.

"I had a dream."I say

"A bad one?" Mark asked

"No, it was a good one."I say.

"What about?"Mark asked.

"It was about us, and I think Hunter."I say happily.

"What do u mean think it's Hunter?"Mark asked.

"Well we kept saying she and I couldn't really see the room or baby." I answer. He nodds slightly.

"Maybe we should come up with a girl name."I say.

"Jack, the doctor said it was a boy."Mark said.

"I know but what there is that slight chance."I respond yawning. He wrapped his warm arm around me.

"Go to sleep Jack, we'll talk in the morning."Mark said kissing my forhead and I shove my nose into his peck.

I eventually fell asleep but it took awhile cause I had a lot of things on my mind.

I once again awoke but this time a fluffy dog was on the end on the bed and Mark was gone.

"Hi Lucy."I say sitting up holding my hand out. She puts her head under it and I gently stroke the fur.

"Where's Mark?"I asked her. She just layed her head in my lap.

"I don't wanna get up either."I say running my fingers down her back.

"I'll see if he's awake."I hear Mark say. I see a shadow on the wall across the door frame moving slowly down the hall.

"Jack, you awake?"Mark whispered entering the room.

"Yeah."I yawn.

"Mom made breakfast if your hungry."Mark offers.

"I would love some but I got a fluffy thing in my lap."I say looking at the adorable puppers.

"Lucy."Mark said. Lucy looked at him for a split second but layed right back down.

"Come on Lucy get up."Mark said again.

"She's not gonna move, it's fine."I say

"But food."Mark said pointing out the door. I moved my legs and Lucy gets up and off the bed. I do the same and follow Mark to the kitchen.

"Good morning Jack, how did you sleep?"Ms. Fishbach asked.

"Really well actually, thank you."I say kinda just standing around.

"You can sit."Mark said. I nodd and sit at one of the chairs by the island.

"Just not that one."Mark joked. I was about to move again but he stopped me.

"That was a joke, Jack."Mark said. I yawn again resting my head on my arms.

"Oh Mark, Tom said he will be over by 5 ish."His mother said taking out a few plates. I laugh to myself watching her grab them. She was basically standing on her tippy toes. But then again me being the shortest in my family other than Mom I shouldn't laugh.

"Okay Mom."Mark answers sitting down in the chair next to me.

"Well its done."She announced putting spoons in each pan, and knifes in the jams and butter.

"Jack, would you like Hot chocolate, water, orange juice?"Ms. Fishbach offered reaching up to grab cups.

"Orange juice, please."I say grabbing a plate. 'A/ N: this part may be akward or boring, just not that much to do. Meeting parents is a very akward situation. It gets better, hang in there please.

We enjoyed our wonderful break fast. She emediently, like every mother, wanted to show me Mark's baby pictures. But Mark didn't approve. She grabbed that binder anyways.

"Here he is, 1 month old."She said pointing at the little baby. I wish Hunter was going to look like him. But he's gonna look a lot like You Know Who.

"Aw, why would you be embarrassed by these?"I asked Mark.

"These one's are fine, it's the tub pictures I'm not happy about."Mark said staring at the old binder as well.

"We can skip those."She said.

"Really?"Mark asked happily.

"No."She said back.

"Damn."He replied staring at me.

"What?"I ask. He smiles his dork smile and looked back at the book.

"Oh I was just thinking of all the photos of the baby we'll be taking."Mark chuckled lightly as he gazed the pages.

"And all the grandma pictures as well."Ms. Fishbach said. We laugh and agreed to her statement.

"Yes grandma pictures as well."Mark sighed.


Tom had officially arrived and we pretty much had a game night. Now Mark, Tom, and Ms. Fishbach were having some shots just because. We played poker, and other weird card games. This night was fun, and can't wait to see what's in store on thanksgiving

I know chapter sucked but like I said earlier, hang in there it gets better.

Thanks for sticking around this long


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