Chapter 6

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It was almost time for the big reveal. We find out what is our baby's gender. 3 hours, Mark and I were setting up for the small party when I see Mark holding his camera.

"Hello everyone my name is Markiplier, and today we arn't playing video games."Mark says. I laugh slightly putting down the bet sheet. We decided a bet sheet on who thinks it's a boy or girl, Just because we wanted to.

"And this is my beautiful boyfriend Jack."He says pointing the camera towards me. I smile and wave.

"Hi."I say the writing my bet on the paper. Like I said, I think it's a little girl.

"And of course my little boy." Mark said pointing the camera at my 4 almost 5 month stomach.

"Well, you don't know if it's a boy yet Mark."I say.

"Anyways, how are we doing the reveal thing?"Mark asked.

"Well we asked Bob and Mandy to get non toxic paint and bottles with the color of the gender."I say.

"Okay." He says.

"And everyone is gonna spray us with it."I say handing him a cupcake. He turns off the camera and taste the cupcake.

"Tastes good Jack."He says eating the cupcake. I smile.

"It better, it took me 30 minutes."I joke. He laughed slightly and grabbed a pen of the table.

"Well, girl or boy?"I ask him, already knowing the answer.

"Boy duh."Mark said.


"30 more minutes tell we all know the gender of septibabyplier."Mark says looking at the back yard. The apartment building was to small of a place for three people so at this point they got a new house or at least in the process of moving the rest of there stuff in.

"So guys pause this video and put your votes now."Mark said to the camera.

"What's the point in that?"I ask him

"Make them feel apart of it." He says. I smile looking over at Bob, he was handing water guns. The had the paint inside them.

"We're ready when you are."Mandy said. I nodd taking a deep breath. I look over at Mark who was grabbing the white shirts.

"Okay guys, are you ready, we find out if it's a Tim or a Sam."Mark said setting down the camera. We pull on our shirts and stand were the giant white paper was.

"Shoot on three!" Wade shouts. Mark and I hold hand.

The paint shout out. The blue paint.

"It's a boy!"Mark and I shout. Everyone cheered as Mark and I shared a kiss. Mark then grabbed the camera.

"Well guys there you have it. It's a boy."Mark said. You can kinda see tears welling up. I go up and hug him.

"I love you."Mark says.

"I love you to." I say back. Mark moves the camera to my stomach.

"That's our baby boy."Mark said. Then shutting of the camera.


It was about 11:36 pm and we were tired. It was a pretty big day.

"Our little boy." Mark said coming into the bathroom. I just finished my shower so all I had was my boxers on. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, our little guy." I said

"What's wrong?" Mark asked.

"Nothing, just thinking." I say placing my hands over his.

"What's that Sean?" Mark asks.

"One, don't call me that, two what if he comes back?"I ask.

"Why do you ask that?"Mark questions worried.

"I don't know, I mean he found us once, he could find us again." I said.

"I promise, he won't, and if he does, I won't let him hurt my family."Mark said. He kisses my temple.

"Come on, let's go to bed."Mark said. I nodd and follow him to our bed.

Hello. Hi, me again. You know Hunter, yeah my dad Mark was so excited about having a boy but, what he didn't know was, I am a girl. The doctor messed up. Yeah so his reaction was priceless when he found out but we will get to that later. Anyways end of this chapter of my life

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