Chapter 7

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Jack pov

"Do you wanna build a snowman, come on let's go and plaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy." The video said. This is about the fourteen thousand times. The video is Mark collabing with Mattias. The disney song challenge part 2.

What can I say, this is what I do when Mark is recording and I'm left alone and bored.

"My mind only goes to one song geeze." The video Mark said.

"Ain't that right."I mumbled to myself. I seriously had nothing else to do but watch videos. I cleaned almost every thing. I still have to finish laundry. I could unpack more stuff. Nah..

"Have to peeeeeee!"Mark shouts running from the recording room to the bathroom across the hall. Now mind you I'm down stairs and the recording room is upstairs and I can hear him clearly just thought I'd let you know.

"Tmi!"I shout back even though he probably hear me. I roll my eyes and go back to watching the video.

"I rain points to whomever I want to."Video Matt said.

"Then how do you keep losing?"video Mark asked. I laugh slightly then I hear footsteps heading down the stairs and over to the couch.

"Bored?"He asked standing over me, blocking the natural light coming from the window.

"Um yeah."I sigh place my phone on my stomach. It's still pretty small for how far along I am. I'm five months at the moment but it still looks like I'm three months. I went to the doctors because of this and He said I was healthy and so was the baby.

"Well I'm almost done with recording."Mark encouraged.

"So."I huff.

"Maybe we can go out."He said.

"Out where?"I asked staring straight at his deep brown eyes.

"I don't know, we will see where the car takes us."Mark says. I nodd slightly and grabbed my phone.

"Who ya texting?"He asked.

"Felix."I say as I reply to the text message Felix sent to me.

"Why?"He asked.

"Don't you have a video to finish?"I asked back.

"Yeah.."He said flatly.

"Go finish it."I say.

"So demanding arn't you."He said kissing my forhead before heading up the stairs.

"Yes I am."I say as he leaves the area. I hear his footsteps back up to the recording room and a door close a little bit after. I sigh and find a new video to watch. I feel my eyelids get slightly heavy, I feel a wave of drousyness hit me.

"Geeze you make me so tired."I yawn poking my tiny bump. I feel the flutter against my stomach indicating he was talking back or just being playful.

"I love you so much."I say to my stomach quietly as I get more tired and tired, until finally I was asleep.

Mark pov

"Jack I'm done."I say walking down the stairs.

"Jack?"I asked. It was oddly silent, and I continue my walk to the living room. I go to the couch and see Jack nuzzled up in a ball holding his stomach. I smile and take out my phone from my pocket. I take the picture and I the flash from the camera woke him.

"Hi Mark."He mumbled rolling over to face me.

"Do you still wanna go?"I asked placing my hand on his soft Brown hair.

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