Chapter 4

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Jack pov

"H - hi Noah."I say. He pulls me in for a kiss, it really just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

"Who is Jack?!"Mark shouts. Shite please don't walk out please don't walk out.

"Oh hey, Jack didn't say you were coming."Mark said. And of course he walked out.

"Nice to finally meet you."Noah says sweetly reaching his hand out for Mark to shake. Mark shook it firmly and went back to the kitchen.

"So Sean, how you liking LA, when's your pax thingy?"He question. He looked so happy, like he was the same man when I first met him.

Five years ago

"Ohh, I'm sorry."I say after I bumped into another man.

"It's quite alr-,"He stopped when he looked at my face "Hey weren't you in a band?"He asked.

"Um yeah, drummer actually."I say shyly. I blush slightly and he laughed.

"What?"I asked.

"Your adorable."He said. Which made me blush even more."I'm Deaglan Deck-lan Noah O'Donoghue, but my friends call me Noah."He said.

"I'm Sean William Mcloughlin, but my friends call me Jack."I say

"Why Jack, Sean is such a great name."He said.

"I like Jack better, Sean doesn't suit me."I say.

"Really, Sean is a beautiful name, which belongs to a beautiful person."He said.


I stare at him, then at Mark.

"Hey can I talk to Sean private?"Noah asked kindly.

"Yeah, you two can go to the guest room."Mark said. Noah nodds and pulls me up.

"Where is it Sean?"He asked. I show him, not wanting to but I had to practicality. He then yanked me in the room and closed the door behind him.

"So, you are cheating."He said. Please no here anywhere but here.

"No."I said

"You got your little feelings hurt so you came crawling to him."He said. I slowly step backwards but his hands were holding on to my wrist.

"No, no, he didn't want me to pay for a hotel room so he offered for me to stay here." I say.

"Yeah likely story." He said.

"Look Noah, can we not discuss this here."I whisper. He glared slightly.

"Ohh so your presious boyfriend doesn't here us."He said.

"He is not my boyfriend you are."I say.

"Whatever, I'm here if you are getting rid of it or are you living on a street coner."He said.

"Babe, why do you want to get rid of this baby so bad?"I asked.

"Because it's not mine."He said. I sigh he's a stubborn mule.

"How many times do I gotta say this, the baby is your, I did not cheat on you."I say calmly. 

"Prove it."He said.

"Mark doesn't live in Ireland he lives here, I would never cheat on anyone even if my life depended on it."I explain.

"Okay, I have one more question, do you love him."Noah said. Yes I do but I don't want this to end badly so...

"No, he's just a friend."I lie.

"Tell the truth Jack."He said.

"I am."I say, he then grabbed my wrist and squeezed.

"Tell me the fucking truth Jack."He said raising his volume.

"I am."I say weakly. He squeezed tighter making the pain almost unbearable.

"I'm only going to ask this one more time, do you love Mark?"He asked. He squeezed my wrist so tight right on my left over cut scabs it started to bleed. I hold it in as long as I could but I just exploded.

"Yes, fucking yes, fine, only reason I developed feelings is because of your great job of being a boyfriend!"I shout tears slowly along my face. He let go.

"Really?"He asked. I nodd slightly, I did it, I stood my ground. Well until he punched me in the face.

"Fucking I knew it, dirty ass cunt!"He shouts. Hopefully loud enough for Mark to hear.

Mark pov

"Dirty ass cunt!"Noah shouts. Fuck I knew it. I bolt to the bedroom to see Noah hitting Jack.

"You are a cheating whore!"He yells angerliy.

"The baby's not Marks, it's yours I sware."He whimpers. He then slowly grabbed something out off his back pocket.

"I loved you!"He exclaimed opening the pocket knife he had in his pocket.  He slowly moved towards Jacks stomach.

"Please don't do this Noah!"Jack screams trying so hard to push Noah's knife away. That's when I bud in. I run up behind Noah and grab his shoulder.

"What are you doing stop!"I shout. Noah turned to look at me and he smirked.

"Aw your boyfriend's here."He said struggling to move.

"Mark get out of here, be free!"Jack cried. With all Noah's strength he covered Jacks mouth.

"No one's talking to you."Noah snarled. Jack screamed from under his hand telling me to leave, I can't leave Jack here to die.

"Noah, stop he doesn't deserve this."I say. Noah then jolts hard enough to knock my hand on his shoulder. The force from that slowly moved the knife straight though Jacks shoulder.

"No Jack!"I shout then push Noah away. He then stumbled back into the dresser, gives me enough time to tend to Jack.

"Jack look at a me, it's almost over."I say.

"Mark go, I'll be fine, save yourself."He said

"I'm not leaving ahh!"I exclaimed. He stabbed my hip from behind.

"Mark!"He screamed tears rolling and rolling down his face.

'It's okay I'm okay."I say.

"No your not."He said. He kicked me in the face neerly knocking me unconscious.

"Why do you do this?"I asked now kinda loopy.

"Because,  you stole him from me, he loved me!"Noah shouts.

"I still do."Jack said breathing heavily.

"Yeah sure."He said. Then suddenly I hear running come up to the door.

"Sir you have the right to remain silent."a guy said. It was a police man. Did Jack call the cops.

Jack pov

I watch slowly as Noah got pulled away.

"Did you call them?"Mark asked.

"Yes... before... you.. came in."I say very weakly. My vision was starting to go black, I'm losing a lot of blood arn't I.

"Jack, Jack don't go,  Jack, JACK!" Was the last thing I heard before my world went black.

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