• unclouded •

Start from the beginning

"i'm kinda a really awkward person," Hansol smiled, "but somehow everything feels so easy and simple with you, Seungkwan."

Seungkwan looks up and meets Hansol's intense gaze. Then, he blushes.

Minghao blushes like this, Hansol thought, too.

"Seungkwan, you're really really pre-" Words just slips out of Hansol's mouth without him noticing.

"Pre?" Seungkwan avoided Hansol's eye contacts and asked.

Hansol realized that he was going to say 'pretty'. But he choked on his own words while smiling at Seungkwan fondly, "You're... ugh.. really..."

Hansol pauses. His eyes meet Seungkwan's. Seungkwan laughs. And blushes.

"You're really annoying," Seungkwan chuckles again, "Hansol."

It's the first time Hansol hears Seungkwan calling his name. Fresh flowers bloom in Hansol's heart, painting his colorless world colorful. Hansol also wonders how someone as bright as Seungkwan exists. He shouldn't be talking and smiling and laughing with this perfectly shining boy in front of him right now. Because in Hansol's mind, Seungkwan was something too beautiful to belong in reality.

"Why did you order an iced drink anyways?" Seungkwan asked, ignoring Hansol's smile, "It's like, what, freezing outside."

"Well, yeah, that was my ex-boyfriend's favorite drink," Hansol's smile faded, "I don't usually come to Starbucks, when I come, it's usually only for him."

"hmm," Seungkwan nods.

"And uhm, that's basically all I order, so I don't really know how does any other drinks here taste..." Hansol adds to fill in the slience.

"I could, recommend a few for you if you'll like," Seungkwan took out his phone and opened some website that Hansol couldn't care less about. He scrolled through the phone and pointed out a few drinks to Hansol, "I always get their secret menu drinks, all their drinks on the menu are kind of... boring."

Hansol nods, unsure of how to continue the conversation. Luckily, it was finally their turn to order. Seungkwan steps up and casually orders. Hansol stared at Seungkwan, who is now laughing with the barista. Hansol just stood there, being an outsider. But he doesn't feel left out, he was too busy admiring how social and bright and amazing Seungkwan is.

They got their drinks and sat beside each other, chatting and smiling at each other's smiles.

"You have an outstagram?" Seungkwan asks.

"Yeah, you wanna add me?" Hansol takes out his phone and opens his Outstagram, handing his phone to Seungkwan, who also took out his phone and completed the following process.

"k done, we're following each other," Seungkwan slips his drink again.

"yeah," Hansol says. Somehow enjoying the silence. Seungkwan smiles at him and stands up, he waves goodbye at Hansol and starts walking away.

"Seungkwan," Hansol calls out.

"yeah?" Seungkwan stops walking.

"thanks." Hansol smiles.

"for what?" Seungkwan smiles too.

"for... everything. Really, everything."

"of coures, any time."

"then... how about next Tuesday? I'll take you out somewhere fun."


"I'll text you the details on Outstagram."


"bye Seungkwan!" Hansol smiles as brightly as he can at Seungkwan. And runs away with a smile on his face.

Things feel really simple and unclouded with Seungkwan, and Hansol really, really likes this feeling.


a/n: heyyy my angels <3  hopefully you liked this chapter... pls comment and vote and show me some love Im deSpErAtE FoR LoVe.

anyways. So. you probably came here for a verkwan fanfic, but you noticed that i've been mentioning about Hansol missing Minghao. I'm trying to depict a real heartbreak I've had recently, and one major symptom of heartbreak... is connecting almost everything to that person you're missing.

Heartbreak hurts. A lot.

But don't worryyyy our Hansol is gonna get better soon cause he has Seungkwannie ;) and... hopefully i'll get better soon too BRUh.

love you all and thanks for reading <3333.

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