The Power of Lightning

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I walked into the tunnel, closer to the light, I could see what was generating it. It appeared to be an orb lodged into the wall of the tunnel. It was blue and smooth.

"What do you think it is?" Asked Clare.

"How would I know?" I said back.

"Peter! Clare! Are you in here?" I heard Arthur approach us.

"Where have you two been?" He said. "We need to go now before more assassins come."

Vanessa followed him in.

"Look at what we found, Arthur," said Clare, ignoring his command.

"Goodness me! What have you found?" Asked Arthur.

"I'm not sure, but it looks quite marvelous," I said.

"Wait! I know what that is," said Arthur. "That's a sacred power stone! The legend says that it shines a bright light on the one person which it will bestow its power upon.

"But the light is shining all over the place," said Clare.

Then suddenly, the stone directed all of its light onto me, blinding my light eyes.

"Ah!" I said. "I can't see!"

"I don't believe it!" Said Arthur. "Peter! You are the one who will receive its power!

The light started shining onto me even brighter now, and I was starting to feel a slight tingling in my bones.

"I can't stand it anymore!" I said. "It's too much to handle!"

"Just wait until it's finished," said Arthur. "It won't be much longer."

After 10 more seconds passed, an explosion of blue light filled the small area. The orb stopped shining light and now appeared gray in color.

I was kneeling on the ground, trying to catch my breath.

"Peter! Are you all right!" Asked Clare, running to my side.

"I'm just a bit light-headed, that's all," I replied. "Is that it?" I said in frustration. "I don't feel anymore powerful than before."

"Just wait until you are ready to find out what type of power you have received." Said Arthur. "In fact, I know a very powerful wizard that will definitely tell you all you need to know."

"Who is he?" I asked. "What is his name?"

"His name is Odin the Ice Master." Said Arthur. He is one of the four wizards of the world, and he too has gotten his powers from an orb similar to this one. We just need to find him so he can train you."

"Absolutely not!" Said Vanessa. "We need to find the sacred city first and then we can consider finding this 'Master of Ice'."

"He doesn't live far. Just up the mountains to the east of us," said Arthur. "We could reach him by dusk if we travel fast."

"Very well then," I said, ending the conversation. "We will go to Odin the Ice Master.

I started walking out of the small area through the tunnel and made my way to the exit of the cave.

The others followed me out.

Vanessa caught up to me and started talking.

"Are you sure you want to go to this wizard," she asked. "I mean why do you even need training for this."

"Well, like Arthur said, it will be a very short travel time, and I could get the chance to harness my new power," I said.

"You don't even know if you have a power," she said.

"What I felt in that cave was real, Vanessa, and I trust that Arthur knows what he is doing," I replied.

"Alright, but I still don't belive in any of the myths and legends he tells to us and you shouldn't either," she said, walking away.


We were already half-way through the journey to Odin's residence in the snowy mountains. We were about to start climbing them.

I saw some birds flying in the air, and decided to try and shoot one of them with an arrow.

I had my bow with me but where would I find an arrow.

I saw Vanessa walking not too far away from me with a pouch of arrows hanging on her back.

"Hey Vanessa!" I called to her.

"What do you need Peter?" She asked.

"Can you give me some arrows so I can try and shoot a bird out of the sky," I asked.

"Only if you can hit them," she said handing me three arrows.

I took them and prepared to fire one at one of the birds in the air.

I aimed the arrow at the bird and fired. Unfortunetly the arrow missed and startled the birds.

They began flying faster, so I quickly readied the next arrow while Vanessa was watching.

I shot the arrow and missed again.

"Looks like you aren't too good of an archer," said Vanessa.

"Just you wait," I said as I prepared the last arrow.

I tried to put extra concentration on this shot. I tried to focus all my abilities and precision in this shot, devoting my mind and body to it.

In fact, I focused so much that lightning started to pulse through the bow and the arrow!

I fired the arrow and hit a bird in the sky, killing it instantly.

But the lightning in the arrow electrocuted the other birds around the one that was hit, making all the birds fall to the ground!

"Woah!" I said. "Did you see that!"

"That must've been caused by your new powers!" She said.

"I guess we can tell Arthur now about my new powers," I said excitedly.

"I guess I can also trust him more often. I thought your powers were fake. I'm sorry Peter," said Vanessa.

"It's alright Vanessa," I replied.

We stared at each other for a few moments and then she started walking away.

As I saw her walk away, I was beginning to think about a great future ahead of us.


I know I haven't updated in a while but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Expect more to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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