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Peter Vacalester POV

Being a young teenager in a small village with good people is good, but not my true taste. I try to become good at things that inspire me but only one thing has taken my full interest.

Archery has been a part of my life ever since I could hold a bow and arrow. I get better and better everytime I practice against an old farm gate with red target painted on it. Hitting the bullseye always pushes me to hit it even more.

My village, or Ramstown as it's called, has also been with me since the day I was born and relies mostly on its peace and prosperity on a sacred sapphire stone in its central tower.

While this magic this stone heals the injured and sick, it also helps the poor and feeds the hungry by casting good spells on the the people giving them good fortune.

My parents have been there for me even at the toughest of times and provide me and my sister, Clare, with good food, a clean house, and even some education.

My life is pretty good at this point and could last me a very long time. But it needed a little more action along with it.

Something that I would never forget. Something that I could embrace for the rest of my life.

Until I got it...

§ Enjoy the next chapters! §


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