The Invasion

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"Do I have to?" I said in a lazy tone."

"Yes you do, Peter. Don't make me yell!" my father replied.

He told me to go collect some wheat from our feild.

"Make yourself useful for once Peter," he said, giving me a sickle and a bag.

"Then you can practice archery," in a rather happy tone.

I took the items and left our small cabin. My family has been staying here ever since I was born, and nothing much has changed.

I walked over to the field of wheat and started harvesting the crops.

"How's this for making myself useful," I muttered.

When I was finally finished I started walking back to the cabin, until I noticed smoke rising nearby.

Thinking it was just a nearby cooking fire I continued walking to the cabin to drop off the crops.


The scream echoed the air. It was followed by more cries of fear.

"Somebody help us!"

I started running to the cabin to notify my family.

As I was running, I saw something menacing.

It was a whole army of dark-armoured soldiers riding on the backs of huge horses

They were carrying weapons almost as big as ship anchors and were throwing torches on every building they saw!

The supposed leader of this crusade was a seven foot giant with a red sash around his armor

I dashed into the cabin, trying to catch my breath.

There's an army attacking the town! What should we do!" I said quickly.

"What?!" Clare said, bewilderedly.

"What's going on!" "What should we do John," my mother said to her husband.

He looked out the window and saw the ferocious army.

"Listen carefully," he said. "All of you go and hide inside our horse carrige and I'll take us to the city gates to escape without them knowing."

"But you'll be killed!" said my mother. "They will see you and capture you".

My father walked over to her and took her by the shoulders.

"If we dont do something now we will all be killed. Our priority is to protect everyone here and get out safely," he said.

We all listened and ran outside to our horse carrige. My father took two of our strongest horses from the stall, fastened them on the reins and sat in the drivers seat.

The rest of the family and I climbed inside of the wagon and covered ourselves with blankets in order to not be seen.

As my father started driving, we felt the bumps of the road making my sister, Clare, slightly uncomfortable.

I silenced her and we all stayed as quiet and still as we could, because we all know what will happen if we did not.

My father came close to a few soldiers by a food store. He tried to steer clear of them, but was spotted just as he is about to escape their view.

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