Flight To Fury

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"Only a few more miles to go" Arhtur said. We had been flying for almost two hours and I was starting to get sky sick.

Motioning for me to fly closer to her, Clare wanted to tell me something that she had been thinking about.

"What is it?" I said.

"Are you sure that we should still be trusting Arthur," she said. "I mean, isn't he just a random person that all of us are blindly following.

"Well Clare," I said. He did say that we were going through a magical land filled with mystical creatures and look where we are. "We're on the backs of... whatever you call these."

"Well I think you should observe more to jump to conclusions ," she said.

We both stoped talking for a short while.

"Wow," I said, breaking the silence. "Look at this veiw!" It's like nothing I've ever seen!"

"Yeah It's pretty cool," she said, lacking interest.

"Why are you so gloomy," I said. "You really should be happy that someone offered help to us."

"If it weren't for Arthur we would've still been in that destroyed town without any hope that something good would happen.

"You do know that I am also young and all these...things that are happening really make a big effect on my life and how I feel, Peter," She said.

"Well all I want for us is to be happy where we are," I said.

"And right now we have a chance to get back on track and start a new life with things totally different."

"Just try to add some more excitement to this journey," I said in a humorous tone.

"I'll try," said Clare. "I know your right but I sill need some time to adjust and you know I do."

"I'll give you all the time you need," I said to her.

We flew in silence for a few minutes after our talk. In that moment I actually did wonder if Clare was right and if what we were doing was the best for us.

Arthur sounded like a trustworthy guy but no one here really knows who he really is on the inside.

After a few minutes I decided that I should make this atmosphere look alittle more bright!

"Race you to that mountain!" I said as I leaned forward to excelerate my tree-flyer. "Hey no fair you got a head-start," Clare said as she lagged behind me.

I tried to make my flyer go as fast as it could. Clare wasn't so far behind but not close enough to touch.

"They should call you the snail!" I said as I looked back behind me. "Or at least your lazy flyer!"

"I would'nt really worry about speed if I'm about to crash in mid-air," She said as she looked ahead of me.

"Whoa!" I said nearly hitting a bird-like creature right infront of me. "That was too close!" I said to her.

My mistake gave Clare a chance to take the lead. "Who's the snail now," she said in a sing-song voice.

We raced through the sky approaching the mountain faster than before. When we got closer I saw parts of the mountain moving. Like there was something moving on its rocky surface.

"Hey I think there's something moving on the mountain," I said pointing to it. "Um I don't see anything," said Clare.

"Oh I see what your trying to do," she said. "Distract me so I lose."

"No really look closely and you'll see it," I said. "Slow down where I am and you'll see it!

"Nice try but you'll never trick me," she said turning her eyes back towards the mountain.

Then what I thought I saw jumped up and flew straight at us. "Ahhhhh!" said Clare as she tried to steer away from it. "Clare!" I said as I tried to catch up.

I had to go warn Arthur. I flew over to a big group he was flying in. "Arthur!" I said. "Clare's in danger! Something came out of a mountain and started chasing her out of nowhere. Please help us!"

"What is he talking about," a person near said. "The razor-winged falcon," Arthur said in a shaky voice. What was that?" I said back.

"Everyone follow the girl and try to get the monster away from her," he said ignoring the question.

We flew through the sky, searching for Clare, and the huge bird of prey chasing her.

As we reached the chase, all I could see was Clare. Then, the bird appeared out of nowhere, revealing it's brownish color.

"You never said that thing could camouflage," I said to him. "Well I tend to forget things," he said. "And sometimes really important things," he added.

"Anyway, these birds are also extremely good at stamina, turning, and especially speed in flight. So Try your best to catch up with Clare."

"I'll try," I said moving slightly away from him.

We chased the bird desperatly looking for a way to rescue Clare. I needed to think of a solution fast. The only problem was that there was a 25 foot falcon with razor-sharp wings and the ability to camoflouge in front of us.


§ Thanks so much for reading and expect more action, and interesting chapters ahead! §

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