The Floating Islands

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We traveled for more than 15 miles now and the village was now out of our sight. "I want to take a break," said Clare. "You'll take a break later," I said. "Three more miles."

As we walked further, the ground started to shake. I dropped my satchel that I was looking in from the impact. We stayed still thinking it was a short earthquake and after that continued on.

Then the ground contiued to shake and even crack more. It split into five huge floating islands. Many people fell to the ground from the shaking and some almost fell off the edge.

"Be careful everyone." "These islands will split even more so stay in the middle," Arthur said. My group huddled together in the middle and tried not fall.

The islands were spliting up even more and all we could see beneath them was an endless abyss. It was wide deep and dark and we had no idea what could come out of there.

The islands seemed to be moving to a jungle that was not too far away. "Only a little more everyone." "Cross safely when we get to the jungle," said Arthur.

As we were nearing closer we saw a large body green scales whisk by under the islands. Then my group felt a huge bump under the ground. "What was that?" Said Clare. "I don't know," I replied. Then the creature flew up right in front of us showing its whole green and scaley body. It had a dragon like head and a body similar to a snake. Almost like a huge flying serpant. As we were watching, it flew right infront of another island and devoured the whole thing.

"Don't worry." "This island eater does not eat humans," said Arthur. We'll be able to make it safely without any danger from it."

He was right. We reached the nearby jungle and stepped on its solid ground when the islands crashed into it.

We all walked jumped off to the solid ground and entered the dark jungle. "That was close," I said. "Yeah, I thought we were going to fall," said Clare. "That creature was huge and I can't believe it could eat that whole island," I said.

We walked in the jungle, pushing away leaves in our way. "I think we need to walk at least 20 more miles through this jungle," said Arthur. "Ugh, this is too much for me," said Clare. We need to settle down for a while." I was tired too so I notified Arthur that we all needed to rest for a few hours. He agreed and everyone sat down and talked to eachother.

"So how are you Clare," I said. "I'm fine," she replied. "I have never been on a journey like this." "I kind of like it but it's also really hard for me." "Why," I say. "Well you know from losing Mom and Dad and our home." "It has been quite tough for me on this journey."

"We'll make it through," I said taking her hand into mine. "We will get to this city and find a new home and Mom and Dad in no time." "And will live as a family," I said. I left after sitting for a while to take nap by a tree.

After our talk Clare felt more calm. She felt protected with the things she had and now had a feeling she was going to make it through.


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