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Luke and I went to the play, went to dinner, and came back to the dorm. We were back at around twelve and, disputed being out all night, I wasn't tired. So Luke and I sat on my bed in the dorm and just signed to each other.

"Thank you," I sign to him, "tonight was honestly one of the best nights I've had in a very long time."

"No problem," he signs back with a small smile. "I just hated seeing you so sad. I want you to be happy."

I nod, "sorry for being such a downer lately. That whole fiasco at home is really screwing with me."

Luke nods in understanding and his me from the side. "I'm sorry that that Alex guy treated you and your family so horribly."

I shrug, "shit happens. I should stop focusing on the bad."

Luke nods and watches me as I get under the covers. He looks at me in confusion but understands when I sign to him, "cuddles."

Luke gets under the covers with me and presses himself against me. His head is in the crook of my neck and his heart beats against my side.

I sigh contently. I like the way he feels against my body. I like the warmth, I like feeling him breath, I like holding his hand, and I like him.

I like that he tried to make me happy tonight. That he went out of his way to take me somewhere, even if it wasn't considered a date. I like him.

I like the way he walks into the room, his confidence outshines anyone there. I like the way his eyes shine when he is happy. The way his lips move when he talks.

I don't mind being deaf when I am with him. He doesn't make me feel different or weak. He makes me feel normal and better about myself.

I want to prove to him that he is perfect. I want him to like me the way I like him. I want him to think about me the way I think about him.

I want to hold him, and take him in dates, and hug him, and I want him.

And maybe one day I will tell him.

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