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The next day went normal, I went to all my classes with Molly. Went back to the dorm, talked to Luke a little, texted my mom and my sister, did some homework.

It was like that for about two weeks. I considered Luke a good friend. I even considered Calum and Micheal friends; they drop by the dorm almost everyday to talk to Luke and play some video games.

But this specific day was different. I was in the room before Luke, which is odd in itself, he was always there first. I didn't dwell on it, he probably got help up in a class or is talking to some friends.

So after twenty minutes of doing school work, Luke bolts through the room. His hands moving erratically as he explains what he had just experience.

"We just got invited to a party, an actual college party with actual college people," he signs. "This chick comes up to me and is like, hey I'm having a party tonight. Can you and your deaf friend come?"

I roll my eyes, and sit up signing, "That's exciting, but I don't wanna go. Take Micheal or something."

Luke sighs, "come on! They invited you specifically!"

I smile a little, I was too lazy to argue with Luke. Especially when I knew he would convince me to go, so I sign, "alright I will go to the party, but you owe me."

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