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By the time Luke comes back to the dorm I'm asleep in the chair and the other boys are gone. I only know he is home because I feel him stomping and stumbling around the house.

I open my eyes, surprisingly it's still daytime, well it's sunset. I blink a couple of times and get up out of the chair and pop my neck.

The bathroom light is on so I assume that Luke is in the shower. I walk over to the mojo fridge and grab a bottle of water and chug it. I don't even remember the last time I drank water.

When I finish the water I decide to order pizza, and thanks to the internet theses days I can order it online. I order a simple cheese pizza and some breadsticks. But the time I'm done Luke is walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

He was breathtaking.

He was perfect he had abs but was lanky, with a little flab. The perfect body honestly.

When he notices me his eyes widen, and he goes to grab his clothes quickly. He signs a apology.

"No need to apologize," I sign, "you're beautiful."

His face flushes more and he holds up his clothes awkwardly, signaling that he is going to the bathroom to change.

When he gets back I explain to him that I ordered pizza and breadsticks. He was pretty excited about that.

I decide that, while I'm waiting for the pizza, I will change into a pair of pajama pants. They were flannel pants and probably the most comfortable things I own.

Since it was hot, I decided that I wasn't going to wear a shirt. I need to let my nips breath. I had scars all over my stomach, some from cigarette burns and some from blades. I became comfortable with the scars when I was 16, so I don't really care if Luke sees them, and I don't really care if he questions them either.

I wash my face while I'm in the bathroom too. So when I'm done I walk out of the bathroom and lay on my bed. Luke was looking  at his phone and that reminded me that I hadn't looked at my phone all day.

13 texts from lil sis
9 texts from mommy
37 texts from Alex -.-

My eyes widen. Alex? He hasn't texted me in months.

I open my sisters text first.

lil sis: bro bro bro

lil sis: Alex is here?

lil sis: he is asking for you, you didn't tell him you left for college?

lil sis: mom is pissed

lil sis: harry is crying?

lil sis: Alex is really angry, he wants you. Pls answer.

lil sis: he won't leave

lil sis: mom called the cops.

lil sis: the cops took him in.

lil sis: he said that he knew what you did?

lil sis: what did you do?

lil sis: answer mom she is freaking out.

lil sis: are you okay?

Moms text were text that explained the situation. She explained how Alex came to the house higher than a kite. He was asking for me, saying something about how I was a douche for what I did. That I deserved to rot in hell, it was nothing that I haven't heard before from him, so I wasn't to surprised. She also explained how she called the cops, and then everything is handled for now. She said that she was worried for me, saying that I should come home until this whole thing cools down.

Then there was what Alex said, it was something along the lines of you tattle tailing bitch, I know what you did. I know that you told Jeff about what I did to you. Jeff told the cops. Next time I see you I will kill you I swear.

There were more text, and they got more vulgar. I forwarded the text to my mom, telling her to send it to the cops or something.

Before I think too much on the situation, Luke brings me some pizza. I didn't even notice that the pizza man came.

I sigh and rub my eyes, due to the lack of food and the Alex situation, I was nauseated. So I stuff the food down my throat.

My phone vibrates in my lap, it's a text from mom.

mom: what did you tell Jeff? He stopped by the other day asking about how you were 

I text her back;

me: he did something really bad, mom. I don't want to worry you with what he did.

I sigh and before I know it I'm crying into my pizza.

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