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The next day I wake up to a minor headache and someone jumping on my bed.

Luke is signing to me dramatically, "get up! My family is coming."

I sigh and sit up, I rub my hands on my face in an attempt to wake up.

"What?" I sign rather angrily.

"My mom and brothers decided to come," he explains. "I know it's short notice my mom literally told me like 30 minutes ago."

I grumpily get out of bed, and grab my glasses. I see that Luke is sporadically cleaning the room. I grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, then I run to the bathroom to change.

In the bathroom I brush my teeth and wash my face. When I look at the time I notice that it's only seven. I'm the morning. On a Saturday.

I walk out the bathroom and I see Luke trying to put on his pants and make his bed at the same time. I roll my eyes and walk over to him, grabbing a shirt on the bed and throwing it at him. I push him out of the way and make the bed for him, then I walk to the other side of the room to make my own bed.

Luke pokes my side and signs to me, "my mom is outside the door. I'm going to let her in."

I shrug and sit on my bed, Luke opens the door showing two men who look almost exactly like Luke. Then an older lady walks in, she gives Luke a hug and looks around the dorm.

Her eyes widen when she see's me and e starts saying something. Luke quickly explains that I'm deaf, because a look of understanding comes to her eyes and she starts signing to me.

"Hi, I'm L-I-Z." She signs, "this is J-A-C-K and B-E-N."

I smile and wave, signing out my name.

"You know," Liz signs, "I bet you and Ben would make good friends. He's deaf too, you know."

I roll my eyes and before I could be polite and sigh something back, Luke says, and signs, "mom, not every deaf person will automatically become best bros."

Luke's mom stays around our dorm for about an hour, just talking to Luke and I about school and such. I did talk to Ben a little, but we didn't relate to much, he talk edabout his girlfriend a lot. It made me awkward.

After that hour though, Luke decided to take his family on a tour of the campus and out to lunch.

I sigh, and lay in my bed, cuddling up against my blanket. Only to be disturbed once again, by Calum and Micheal. Without even acknowledging my existence they begin to play video games.

I groan and attempt to suffocate myself with my pillow. I fail, so with a sigh, I sit in a chair, watching the two boys play a gun game.

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