Chapter 28: Playing Card

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The black inked words of the ancient book stare back at me as the hand of the clock continues to tick. The library has emptied by now, leaving Damien and I alone. The piles of books surround us like a warm blanket, but instead of giving us an inviting feelings, sends one of anxiety. The transfiguration exam was meer hours away and the amount of information I still needed to catch up on was overwhelming.

"Damien." I moan. "I'm all for studying. I'm a Ravenclaw after all, but even I have my limits."

We had been studying for six hours straight. We didn't go to dinner and have been cooped up in here instead. My stomach was growling, my eyes were threatening to close, and my mind felt like it had turned to mush.

Damien glances up from his piece of parchment. "Rose your exam is in a few hours."

"I know, but I can't focus right now. I'm so tired."

Damien's brown eyes look at me sympathetically. I flash him a smile and rather reluctantly he agrees. We gather up the books and parchment, making our work place as neat and tidy as it was when we found it.

Together we exit into the deserted corridors.

"Thanks Damien." I tell him. "I really appreciate your help. This whole month has just been a whirl wind."

The whole week had been crazy. Everyday and free moment I've had has been spent in the library. Scorp and Al have been my saviors, but tonight Scorp had quidditch and Al had plans with the head girl (like he predicted he would), so Damien offered to help me study tonight. Scorp still wasn't Damien's biggest fan and was not on board with Damien helping me. It took three days of convincing, but he finally relented and said it was okay if we studied together. Not like I need his permission, but I'd prefer he not be upset with me for something so silly.

"Its no problem Rose. I need to study too and it was nice to spend time with you. Ever since your accident I've been worried about you."

A blush rises on my cheeks.

"No need to worry about me. I'm fine now."

We continue walking up to the Ravenclaw tower, Damien insisting he needed to be the gentlemen and walk me to my common room.

"Oh Rose hold on."

I stop in my tracks and glance at Damien. "Yes?"

"I have something I'd really like to show you."

"Damien, its almost curfew. We don't really have time to mess around."

"I know, but this won't take long I promise." He smiles his charming smile at me.

I bit my lip and clutch my books tighter to my chest, glancing around the halls as a few students rush past us on the stairs.

"Oh alright." I relent. "But it has to be quick."

Damien nods and grabs my hand leading me in the opposite direction of the Ravenclaw tower room. We go down the stairs back into the main corridor, then up a different set of stairs leading us all the way up to the seventh floor. We turn left, right, then right again, until we final arrive at a very familiar painting.

"Damien what are we doing here?" I ask, plastering on a fake smile, trying to mask the worry in my voice.

As far as I know nobody outside of the Weasley/Potter clan and those select few know about the Room of Requirements.

"I'll show you." Damien walks alongside the wall three times, until a dark mahogany door appears. Without another word he grabs my hand and yanks me through the door, despite my protests.

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