Chapter 19: Moving On

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Awkward. That is the only word I can use to describe my friendship with Scorp. We still act like our usual selves. Bickering with every breath, studying for our classes, and making fun of Al, but with all of these, there is tension thick enough to cut. I don't know what to do when I'm around him. We almost kissed, but that was over a week ago and he hasn't mentioned anything or tried to make any further moves. I'd make the first move if I wasn't so scared of rejection.

"What are you thinking about?" Damien asks me, as we stroll down the corridor. It was just after supper and I was finally giving Damien that tour I promised.

"School." I lie avoiding his eyes. Lately, all I've been able to think about is Scorp. It is only the first week of school and usually, I'm drowning in homework, but for some reason, the professors have given us almost nothing. I've only had three assignments given and it is driving me insane. I planned on using school work as a way to keep Scorp well out of my mind, but that is not going to be able to work.

Uncle Harry hasn't written us back yet and I still haven't found any useful information in the library. Uncle Harry always responds to our letters within a few days, but it has been a week and I'm starting to worry.

"What is that?" Damien questions, pointing at an unusual statue of a one-eyed witch.

"Some statue." I shrug uninterested. Hogwarts had a lot of statues this was just another one of those.

I take Damien all around the school and enjoy the way his smile brightens when I take him someplace new. It gave me a warm feeling to know that I was bringing a sense of joy to someone else.

"Is Hogwarts everything you expected?" I ask Damien as we finish our tour.


"It is an amazing place." I smile, agreeing with him. After hearing all of my parent's stories about their days at Hogwarts I couldn't wait to make my own memories and Hogwarts didn't disappoint. "This concludes our tour." I say, stopping to look up at him.

"Thank you, Rose, I very much appreciate it."

"It was really no trouble."

I turn to leave, but his hand wraps around my tiny wrist, gently yanking me back towards him. I come to an abrupt halt in front of him and stare up at Damien wide-eyed.

"Listen, Rose." He says softly, looking deeply in my eyes. "I would like to take you out."

"Out where?" I ask confused.

"On a date Rose." He clarifies, chuckling at my cluelessness.


I stare at him, mouth agape with no words coming out of my mouth. How was I supposed to say no to such a sweet guy?

"Damien I do-"

A loud bang erupts from the once quiet halls, making me lose my train of thought, and forcing my eyes to locate the sudden sound. My eyes land on a tall figure whose bent done to grab the books and parchment that he's dropped.

"Scorp?" I ask hopefully, wanting desperately for that to be him so I had an easy way to dodge Damien's question.

Scorp glances up from the ground and glares at me.

"Sorry don't mean to interrupt. Please carry on." He says anger laced through his words as they escaped out his clenched teeth.

With no more explanation, he rapidly gathers up the rest of his stuff and flees the corridor.

"Scorp wait!" I shout already running off after him, completely forgetting about the boy standing beside me. My breathing picks up as my speed does, as I desperately try to reach the blonde boy in front of me. "Scorp!" I call again. He doesn't stop but continues to hotly walk down the hall. "Scorpius please wait."

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