
Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?"I asked.For some unknown reason I felt BAD. Except he looked down at me and smirked.He's back.

"Nothing love but I like that you care. Now come and give Daddy a kiss!" He puckered his lips and made kissing noises at me. So I smaked him behind the head.While I was holding back a laugh.

"OW you are a very mean prego." He whined and rubbed the spot I hit him. I giggled and smiled proudly.

"ONLY to you." He glared at me and that made me bark a laugh. His eyes softened and chuckled with me.Finally we made it inside the school. No one was really around or where we were. SO we went back into our old ways and continued to bicker like old women. All the way to my locker.

"Bobbie!" Our arguement died down and looked over to where Tyler stood. He jogged all the way to my locker and stood in front of us. Automatically Chris pulled me closer to him and keep our hands together. From the corner of my eye I could see Chris glare at him. Oh god I thought they got over this already.

Chris started telling me how important blah blah blah. I tuned out even before Tyler came. I noticed his hand and shook him off.

"Hey Tyler." I really just wanted to hold Tyler's.

"Let me walk you to class.I need to talk to you."His eyes looked at me pleadingly. I couldnt say no. For one I loved him and two he was my best friend and all. Seeing him all vulnerable well that hurt. So I hugged him. He squeezed back and leaned into me.

"Sorry, but Im taking her today jock." Chris pulled me back but not roughly just so we could end the hug. This time I glared at Chris.

"SORRY lover boy. But I am taking Bobbie for a moment." They both clenched there fists. Any minute now they were going to get into a fight. I serious thought we were past this. Guess not. So I stepped in.

"Its okay Chris. I am just going to talk to him. No need to get all worked up about it. I wil see you in class." My voice was calm yet demanding. He heard the change in my voice and obeyed. He grabbed my books and walked away. Which surprised me.

I sighed," Sorry about that Tyler. But you didn't have to be mean either."

We linked arms and went to the opposite way Chris went.

"I don't like him for you Bobbie." I sighed again.Neither did I but did he know that?No. This is all so Andrew could stay away.

"Yeah well I don't like your nasty disgusting bibo bitch of a girlfriend but hey you don't see me complaining or going over there to kill her." He chuckled and then sighed.

"Ex-girlfriend. I broked up with her, caught her with some one else. I am so sorry Bobbie I really shouldn't have stopped talking to you." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Its okay. Plus I do get to say I told you so. And I will forgive you completely if promise to never do that again. You are my best friend Tyler. It is going to stay that way.." I smiled reassuringly.It worked and a grin started to grow on his handsome face.

"I missed you loser." He leaned his head against mine and hugged me. I smelt his colorne instantly. It was so familiar.Of course he wore it all the time. But the only time I can remember really smelling it. Was that night. That precious night. Automaticlly when we pulled away I rubbed my stomach.

"Can I see it." I looked up at him. He was looking down at my stomach. I must have had this look on my face because he lifted up my sweater. It wasn't huge, but it was there. To my astonishment he rubbed it. Softly in circles then sighed loudly.

"Dont have it Bobbie." His eyes reached mine and it looked like he was searching for something. An explanation. "Please dont be stupid. Your sixteen for god's sake. You still have years to figure things out. But please dont have his baby." He was trying not to get angry or yell at me I can tell but how tense he was. I pulled away from his grasp. All I wanted to do was scream from the top of my lungs "ITS YOURS!" But I couldnt do that maybe not even in a million years. I sadly shook my head no. Tears streaming down my face. Damn hormones.I blame you.

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