✯ Chapter 25: For You ✯

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"You're really dumber than I thought."

You struggled against the hold of the tight ropes around you, your arms, hands, feet and legs are all tied up. Your mouth was harshly covered by a stinky cloth, making you stop breathing every 10 seconds before breathing again. You're sweaty all over, making you feel more disgusting as you look.

You can't do anything but to glare at the evil woman in front of you, a cigarette between her red lips.

"I thought you were a little bit smart," The woman laughed as she breathed out smoke from her mouth. "but you're really just as useless as when you were still blind."

You stopped struggling from the ropes, calming yourself from your current situation that was led by your stupidity.

The text message was a fraud.

After you got out of the taxi, leaving you alone in front of your old house, you were instantly brought back in a van. Now you're here, fighting back the drowsiness you're feeling from lack of clean air

"Don't worry, he'll be here in any moment right now. I just don't think I'll let you leave alive." She stood up from her seat and moved nearer in front of you. "You want to speak, hmm? I'll let you then." She brought down the tight cloth from your mouth, letting you breathe properly. "Wanna say something?"

"Y-You—" You gasped as she grabbed your chin up, making you face her.

"What? I'm what?"

"You're a bitch." You spat out at her, your eyes glimmering with fear but anger was one of the emotions you're having.

The woman smirked, using her other hand to slap your cheek. You slightly licked your lower lip, tasting the metallic taste of your blood. Your cheek burns like hell, probably because of her long nails that scratched their way on it.

"I'm glad you know that." She scoffed, kicking your leg as she walked past you. "You're not even that pretty nor you have a nice body. You're nothing compared to me. You're just like a fully-dressed pole with a wig!" She laughed at her own words as she got out of the room. "Enjoy your time in the dark!"

As the door closed, the room was left into a deafening silence. Only the hanging bulb on top of you was the source of light and everything was dark. Your eyes welled up as you looked around the place.

I'm scared.

There are no windows and no other doors besides the one that the woman got out of. You couldn't even see the color of the walls. Only the plain cemented floor and this old metal chair you're seated at were the things you can see from here.

Suddenly, the only source of light was gone.

Leaving you in a complete darkness like before.

As if you're blind again.

"AHH!" You screamed as you struggled against the hold of the ropes again, scraping your arms and legs in the process.

I don't want to be in the dark again!

You cried while you tried moving your legs out of the tight ropes but to no avail, you're weak.

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