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Dahyun put her books into her locker and took out the ones she needed for her next class. It's an ordinary Thursday, and there had not been any unusual things happening since the day she froze Jongin. 

But he was saved, a voice said in Dahyun's mind. So he'll still be a danger to you.

Dahyun sighed then closed her locker door gently. As soon as she turned around, she let out a gasp and dropped all her books.

"Who are you?" She asked with a quivering voice.

A girl who seemed to be slightly elder than her stood just a few inches away from her. 

"You're Dahyun?" She asked, a smirk forming on her face.

"What do you want?" Dahyun asked again, staring at her with large eyes.

The mysterious girl checked her nails for a moment, then stared at Dahyun.

"I'm here," she reached her hand out, but Dahyun backed into her locker, so she retracted her hand. "For this," she said, pointing at Dahyun's chest.

She's here for Dahyun's pendant. She's here for The Sapphire of Power.

"What are you doing here, Mijoo?" A familiar voice said, and Dahyun immediately turned to look at the person speaking.

"Tzuyu? How did you know-" 

"I could feel her," Tzuyu cut Dahyun off. "Red-eyed vampires have a strong sense towards the presence of those who hurt them before."

Mijoo folded her arms and smiled. In an evil way.

"I'm surprised to see you alive," Mijoo said, staring at Tzuyu.

"I'm asking what are you doing here in our school?" Tzuyu asked, glaring at Mijoo.

Mijoo walked towards Tzuyu.

"No wonder you became friends with her. I know that you're after The Sapphire of Power too," Mijoo suddenly said, and Dahyun stared at her.

"She was my friend even before she knew that I had this pendant. But you came here just for this," Dahyun said, and took a deep breath.

"Whatever it is, I'm not giving you this," Dahyun said, and that made Mijoo mad.

"It's not up to you to choose," she growled, then in one second she was gone, and in her place was a king cobra, its tongue flicking in and out dangerously.

Dahyun's eyes went wide with shock and slowly backed away from the giant snake. Suddenly, the snake slithered towards her quickly and Dahyun began running.

"Just freeze her, Dahyun!" Tzuyu shouted.

Dahyun then stomped the ground and everything around her froze. She looked up to see icicles hanging from the ceiling. She then looked in front and gasped.

She had froze the lockers, the floor, Mijoo and...Tzuyu.

"What's this? An ice skating rink?" A sickeningly familiar voice said behind Dahyun. And several gasps followed.

"Dahyun? What have you done? Are you a witch?" The voice said again, and Dahyun turned behind to see Nara and her friends standing in front of her, all of them with their mouths gaped open and a shocked expression.

"I knew that you had been freezing me all this time," Nara said loudly, so loud that teachers and students began streaming down the hallways.

"What's this?" 

"What happened?"

"Isn't that Dahyun?"

Murmurs and whispers could be heard all around her. Dahyun shook her head slowly and walked backwards. 

She had just revealed her witch identity to her whole school. 

"She even froze Tzuyu!" One of Nara's friends shouted, and pointed at Tzuyu's ice statue. "What if we get frozen next?"

Dahyun held out both of her hands to get them to stop panicking. 

"I mean no harm," she said frantically. "It's not what you think."

"What is it that's not what we think? Isn't it obvious that you have now frozen the whole hallway, and your next target is us? The innocent students as well as teachers?" Nara said. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

"Another word from you Nara," Dahyun muttered under her breath, her hands tightly clenched into fists. 

"If she wants to hurt us, she would have done that a long time ago."

Gasps could be heard throughout the whole crowd. The crowd then parted, and Yeri and Sulli walked to the front of the crowd. 

How nice of her friends. Dahyun could feel her heart melting a little.

"What about the time she froze me? She did it twice!" Nara rebutted, and glared at both of them. 

"Who else had been frozen by Dahyun? If yes, please raise you hand," Sulli said loudly, and looked at the crowd. 

Nobody moved.

Sulli turned to Dahyun. "See? It's your problem, not hers. Out of four hundred people in the school, you-" She pointed at Nara. "-were the only one whom Dahyun froze. Why don't you think about the reason to why she did that?"

By now, Nara's face was red as a beetroot. Dahyun smiled. 

"Look! The ice's melting!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Dahyun's smile vanished and she turned to look at Mijoo. Sure enough, water could be seen dripping from the ice. Without thinking too much, she grabbed the frozen cobra and threw it out of the school building, as far as possible.

"What happened?" A voice said, and Dahyun rushed to hug the person. 

"I'm sorry, Tzuyu. I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry about it, Dahyun. I was the one who told you to do it," Tzuyu cut her off, and smiled.

"She's not a mute?" Several person asked, followed by yelps of pain as Yeri and Sulli hit them. Dahyun and Tzuyu stared at their best friends and laughed.


"Thanks a lot," Dahyun said, and smiled at her three friends. "Since the day I turned into a vampire, I thought that my life would change for the worst." She paused. "But I met you guys. And you guys changed my life, for the best."

The three of them laughed. 

"Well, I've been friends with you since we first entered this school," Yeri said, grinning.

"You were the one who stopped me from hurting myself, Dahyun," Sulli said. Dahyun took a glance at her wrists. No fresh new cuts. She heaved a sigh of relief.

"You were my first friend, and I'll always be your friend," Tzuyu said, and smiled. 

Dahyun never felt happier in her life. 

"And don't forget Jungkook," Sulli suddenly blurted out, and the three of them burst into laughter. 

Dahyun frowned at them. Okay, maybe they're not really that perfect. 

"Actually, what happened after that little date? I've never heard anything about you guys anymore," Yeri said, looking at Dahyun. 

Dahyun's mind drifted to the day when she and Jungkook got drunk. 

"Uh...nothing much, Yeri. We're not dating, that's all," Dahyun said with a smile.


aye its bubblelytz! <3 soooo much drama ilovethemokno so what's gonna happen next? it's a real secret- /slapped for bad joke/ anyway if you liked the story so far pls give it a vote or comment below < 3 alright, that's all for now. bye~~~~~~~<3

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