☾ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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"I'm heading home right now, Irene unni," Dahyun said before disconnecting the call. She's late because Nara had been bothering her again and she couldn't help it but freeze her into an ice statue. She wondered how many times it takes for Nara to die from being frozen all over.

Just as Dahyun walked into the alley, she felt a strong gust of wind behind her. She stopped walking and turned behind.

Standing in front of her was Jongin.

"I heard that you survived Seulgi's fire bomb," he spoke in a dangerous tone.

Dahyun just stared at him.

"Exactly what I need. A truly powerful vampire," he said, then ran towards her, his hand reached out and grabbed Dahyun by her neck. He pushed her against the wall, making a large crack in the wall, just like how he did with Tzuyu that day.

A trickle of blood trickled down the back of her head, and dripped onto the dusty cement floor. Dahyun was losing consciousness, and she felt as though most of her bones had cracked. It was a really bad hit.

Just as Jongin's face inched closer towards Dahyun's neck, Dahyun grabbed his hand that was choking her, and ice began to form on his wrist, causing him to retract his hand.

"What-" Jongin gasped, and stared at his hand. "You're a witch too?" 

Dahyun gave him a death glare, and slowly walked backwards. "It's none of your business," she said, then raised her right arm like what Seulgi did, and 'threw' the ball of ice towards Jongin. When the ice ball hit Jongin, he was badly hurt. He slowly stood up, and ran away instead.

On the other hand, Dahyun must have used up all her energy to create that ice ball, and soon she collapsed onto the floor. With the little amount of energy left in her, she gave Irene a phone call for help, and everything went black.


"Dahyun! Oh thank lord you're awake!" Irene cried in joy when Dahyun opened her eyes. 

"Where am I?" Dahyun asked as she sat up, her vision is still a little blurry. Her head still felt heavy, but somehow she felt as though she's just tired, but not hurt.

"You're home, honey," Irene said with a smile, her eyes teary. "You had fainted for two days, my dear. I was worried sick."

"What?" Dahyun gasped, and touched the back of her head. No wounds. No blood.

"Who was the one who hit you?" Irene asked, and gripped Dahyun's arm tightly. 

Dahyun shook her head. "I don't want you to look for him or anything," she said. 

A question then clicked into her mind. A question that she had wanted to ask Irene.

"Why am I a witch too, unni?" Dahyun asked, staring at Irene's eyes. 

Irene sighed. "I knew that from the moment you were turned into a vampire, all these secrets would all be spilled one day," she began to speak.

"What secrets, unni?" Dahyun asked, frowning. She was determined to know.

"Alright, listen to me, dear," Irene said, and patted Dahyun's hand. "Your father, was a warrior for werewolves, and your mother, was a princess of a witch family. Your mother was the descendant of Lee Sun Jin, who was a very powerful wizard, so that makes your mother a powerful one too." 

Irene's hand reached for Dahyun's pendant and touched it. "This pendant was an heirloom, and had been passed down for many generations. It's called 'The Sapphire of Power'."

"The Sapphire of Power?" Dahyun asked, totally absorbed into the story of her parents. "Was that what Tzuyu tried to say that day, but you stopped her?" 

Irene nodded. "This necklace has a lot of power in it, and whoever wears it will be the most powerful of all. Your mother had inherited it from her mother, so of course, you inherited it from your mother," she explained.

Dahyun nodded. "What happened between my father and my mother?" She asked.

Irene took a deep breath. "You father was actually sent by the werewolf troop to kill your mother, who was a princess. During that time, anytime, anywhere, war is always raging. Supernatural creatures of different troops kept a suitable distance among themselves. And every troop wanted to rise to the top and be the king of the supernatural world," she said.

"But instead of killing her, your father fell in love with your mother. And your mother did the same." A tear rolled down Irene's cheek. "They were rebels of the supernatural world. They were not supposed to be together, because everyone knew what hybrids are capable of. So they ran away, ran away to somewhere nobody could find them. And that was how you came about." Irene looked at Dahyun and smiled.

"After four years, humans then demolished their house which was in the woods for development," Irene continued. "So they were forced to move back to their original land. But they decided to seek help from me," Irene pointed to herself, "as I was their best friend. They lived at my house for several weeks, but with the whole supernatural world looking for them, they were soon found." Irene paused. "And killed."

Dahyun gasped. "So my parents did not die in a car accident?" She asked, tears too forming in her eyes.

Irene shook her head. "I then became your godmother, to take care of you. I was supposed to protect you from being found by other creatures because," Irene caressed Dahyun's cheek, "if you were found, you would be killed, as you were the child of rebels and also considered to be a disgrace of the two troops."

Dahyun looked at Irene. "Was the car accident planned then?" She asked, her heart thumping loudly.

"No, it wasn't," Irene said. "The car accident wasn't part of my plan at all. But it made you forget about being a hybrid and everything. It was a miracle, Dahyun. I lied to you because I don't want you to get involved in this chaotic world. However, the moment you were turned into a vampire, and turned into a vampire-werewolf-witch hybrid, I knew that one day, you would find out all about your past."


aye its bubblelytz! <3 the real secrets are revealed! /winkwonk/ i've been waiting my whole story to reveal this- e u e hope you guys enjoyed this so far~ can i get a vote? or some comments on this? stay tuned for the next chappie! bye~~~~~~~~~~~~~<3

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