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     Marinette stared at the grey walls, the creaking of the metal bunk bead echoed as she rolled onto her right side. Her heart ached, her mind was a jumbled mess, and her wrists and inner thighs were etched with lines. Marinette blinked slowly, once, twice, and every second that the clock ticked, the words of the doctor repeated.
     "Young lady, I'm sorry to tell you, but Adrian Agreste, Nino Lahiffe, and Alya Césaire have passed away in a car accident. A drunk driver rammed into their car, spinning it out, and it went off of the road and slammed into trees not far off the highway. I'm truly sorry, miss,"
     Marinette closed her eyes, her mind drifted off to memories. What was love? Why did it cause so much joy and pain? Why was she never good enough for love? The questions never ceased, the shadows of her mind crept into her vulnerable mind and whispered bittersweet words.
     A nurse entered the room, telling all the females to get out of bed and go get breakfast. Marinette slowly pulled herself up, her head nearly grazing the ceiling. Slowly climbing down, Marinette braced herself against the cold metal, a migraine devouring her thoughts.
     Marinette ran out of her kitchen, a pocket knife in her back pocket, and she sprinted until her knees gave out. Collapsing to the concrete, her lungs begged for oxygen, but Marinette stood up again and continued to run.
     An empty bridge overlooking a canal, the waters churning as clocks slowly approached 4 a.m. Marinette stopped running, bracing herself against the cool metal railings. The chilling metal smoothed her nerves for a temporary moment.
    Tears streamed down her face as her knuckles began turning white. Her hand rushed to her pocket, she yanked the knife out of the jeans and flipped the blade up. Bringing her wrist to the shaking blade, Marinette dragged the blade across her bare skin, dots of red peeled though the thin line.
     Marinette stepped back in shock, fumbling with the knife and letting it drop to the ground below. Pain raced across her arm, burning into her skin, and increasing with every passing second. As her breath hitched, Marinette grabbed the knife, the blade slightly covered in blood. In a blind fury, the teenage girl slashed her wrist, laughing as the blood poured down in wrist and splattered onto the ground.
     The sound of people gently conversing with one another were mere murmurs of voices. Marinette held her tray as she stumbled forward, heading towards an empty table. Her mind at ease in the mere moments of peace and loneliness. Her body basked in the desolated thoughts and the hollow shell of memories.
     "What did you do to get here?" A voice spoke above the murmurs, it was calm and alluring. Looking up from gazing at her food, Marinette peered into the eyes of a brunette with long hair, the front bangs were pulled into a ponytail on each side. Her green eyes bore into her skin and her hand grazed her own tanned skin.
     "I went insane, tried killing myself while holding a child captive. What about you, Lila?" Marinette looked down at her hands, fiddling her fingers.
     "For running you over I was supposed to go to jail, but I plead insanity since I'm bipolar. I only tried to kill you because I was in a manic episode at the time, it just felt so right. I am truly sorry, Marinette,"
     "Yeah, I am too. Adrian's dead, and it's our fault," Lila nearly burst into tears at hearing the news, but her jaw dropped once she heard 'ours'.
     "He was on the way to the hospital with Alya and Nino to check on me when a drunk driver drove them off the road. Had I not tried to escape Adrian or you have a hit on me, all of them would be alive," Marinette seethed, her rage filtering through, but it was directed at herself. Disappointment drew itself across Marinette's face as her rage turned to shame. She blamed herself for her friends and lovers death.
     Lila gently grasped Marinette's hands and gave them a squeeze. Their pain was shared, along with the shame, as they hugged each other and cried into the other's shoulder.
     Love and pain was truly a great thing, only if it comes in quantities, otherwise it rips apart the humanity one holds and replaces it with shame.
     Marinette released Lila as she gave her a forced smile, they stood up and walked towards their respective rooms. Lila turned to look back at Marinette, a hollow look etched permanently into the girl's face. Her eyes held a shallow depth, no longer the bluebell color from before.
     As blood spewed from Marinette's wrist, a young child tugged on her hoodie. Marinette spun to peer down on the child, a wild gaze watched as the child have her a cheeky grin, how innocence was bliss.
     "Have you seen my daddy? I got lost," the child pondered as he gazed up at Marinette. Marinette's eyes grew more wild as a wide grin spread across her face. Marinette snatched the child off his feet and held him tucked under her arm. As Marinette started climbing over the railing, yelling was heard as sirens blared in the distance. A man can charging at Marinette as he yelled at her to put his child down.
     Cocking her head to the side as she glared at the man, she gave him a cheeky smile before falling forwards, the child clutching onto her. Fear struck through the child as he dug his nails into Marinette's back, he screamed and cried as he outstretched his hand for his father arm that reached out for him.
     Shrieks rebounded from the bridge as the boy's mother sobbed and screamed for her child.
     Police officers started rushing down to the bend, some jumping in to swim after the children.
     Helicopters hovered over the canal as men handed the child to the people o n the helicopter while Marinette was lifted to a group of men in another helicopter.
     Pain flared from Marinette, her heart shattered as she sobbed. Her cries of apologies hung in the silence as she hung her head in shame.
     Marinette stared af the child as tears trailed down her cheeks. The parents glared and insulted the teenager as she stood there and cried, allowing the belittling.
     " I'm sorry for what I did. I was in shock and denial of the death of three of my friends, so I drove myself to insanity, please accept my apology," Marinette spoke with a heavy heart, her words escaped as she turned her back to the fuming couple and left the hospital in order to go a medical facility instead of of jail.
     Marinette sat on her bunk, her feet dangling off the bed as her fists clenched the sheets. Her mind was no longer fuzzy, and her heart no longer ached. She has accepted the death of her friends, she has accepted her faults as a human being, and she has accepted her lack of humanity as she rolled onto her back and closed her eyes. Everything involving love was also mirrored by pain. Love was not needed, it only weakened you

My ass finally finished this story. Sorry for the long ass wait, but I'm going to start editing this story when I get the chance, I've been very busy and stressed, so I hope you enjoyed the final chapter. Thanks for everything, loves!

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