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Ladybug and Chat Noir faught against enemy after enemy, akuma after akuma, Marinette was happier after starting to date Adrien and that's how things went on for many years. Chloe got angry, but a year after they started to date Chloe's mother came home and that had made Chloe turn over a new leaf.

Miraculous holders came and went, only Ladybug and Chat Noir stayed the same, everything was peaceful, Hawk Moth was eventually stopped, and new enemys came. Marinette still kept behind walls, but she was more open with her best friends, Alya, Nino, and Adrien. Everything seemed to be perfect and Marinette's mother was happy to see her daughter finally smiling a genuine smile after so many long and difficult years.

"Marinette!" a voice called out to the bluenette that was holding several heavy shopping bags, the twenty-four year old turned around and came face-to-face with her best friend.

"Hey Al," the bluenette replied to the perky and excited reporter who never seemed to be anything, but happy twenty-four-seven. The tanned girl laughed and slung her arm over her friends, she took a few of the bags off of the bluenette's hands and they walked towards the malls foodcourt.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir are still so amazing, even after- how many years? five?" Alya blurted out as she held out her phone with a picture of Ladybug talking to the press and Chat Noir in the background talking to the victim.

"I thought it was seven years?" questioned Marinette as she switched her stare between Alya and her phone. Alya released a sigh and put her phone away.

"I don't remember anymore,  hell I can't even figure out Ladybug's identity," Alya sighed with dispair lacing her voice, Marinette let her lips get tugged into a small smile.

"You'll figure it out one day, how about a bet?" Marinette asked, this caught Alya's attention making her pick her head up off the table and placing her chin on the edge, her attention fully on the bluenette.

"If you can figure out one of Parises heroes, then I'll make you whatever peice of clothing you want and you won't have to pay for anything, but-" 

"DEAL!" Alya cut Marinette off with a giant grin on her face as she stood on her feet with her hand slammed onto the table's surface.

"But if I win, you have to give up on trying to figure out their identitys," Marinette finished her sentence and glanced at Alya's face. Her face had gone pale and her mouth hung open, Marinette smirked and crossed her arms as she leaned onto the table. "Still wanna make this bet?" Marinette asked already knowing Alya's answer.

Alya just stood there, her eyes staring straight at an orange wall, her glasses slipping down her nose and her hands still holding her up as she leaned against the table. Marinette released a small chuckle and waved a hand in front of Alya's face, snapping the poor reporter out of her shock.

"You're so on!" Alya challenged Marinette and stuck out her hand, she held a triumphant grin on her face as she looked down upon the smirking bluenette. Marinette uncrossed her arms and shook Alya's hand.

"Don't cry when you lose, but I got this in the bag Al," Marinette said as she looked into the girls light brownish-green eyes. 

"Nah, don't be sad when you use thousands of dollars on a designer gown!" the reporter gloated to the fashion designer.

"At least I have the money, little unknown reporter!" the designer shot back with a smirk.

"AH! Your betrayal will be the death of me!" Alya cried out as she dramatically put the back of her hand on her forhead and closed her eyes, releasing a sigh as she tilted her head back. Her golden ring showing a glint from the sun.

"How's Nino handling the little 'angle'?" Marinette asked with sarcasm on the last word, Alya quickly sat down and smiled happily at Marinette.

"Ha, he's having the worst luck, he had to call in Adrien just to try and get her to sit in the living room and do whatever!" Alya laughed her ass off, getting Marinette to crack a smile.

"Yeah, Adrien did say something about Nino calling him for help with a little problem, but that's all he said," Marinette said and they talked about random things until Alya remembered something.

"Is he going to tie the knot or what? It's been eight years now, like come on!" Alya whined causing a snicker from Marinette.

"I don't know, but it's not like we've been fight or anything," Marinette faked a smile, having to keep two things secret was hard enough on her, but she didn't know how much longer she could keep this hidden. Alya didn't seem to notice the fake smile and continued to rant about having a hard time finding anything good to report on and many other things.

Marinette listened to everything, but a little voice in the back of her mind continued to reminded her, 'remember the little things, they'll be important after this is all done,' the voice whispered continuesly to Marinette, but she ignored it.

I'm so sorry for not writing more and for not updating sooner, I'm also very thankful for the 1k views! Thank you guys so much for the comments, votes, and continuing to be patient with me. You guys are really the best readers ever and I couldn't ask for more! I won't be able to update for awhile due to some complications in my life, but I hopefully can update as soon as things are smoothed over. I love you all! Thank you for the support! ~Mae

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