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-Adrien's P.O.V.- 

The police had found the guy that hit Marinette, but he said he was paid to do it by some guy and the police can't trace the phone calls. I sigh as I sit next to Marinette and she went to sleep a few hours ago. I stand up and walk into the hallway and walk into the room next door and wake Alya up, she and I trade places and I lay on the hospital bed and she goes to watch over Marinette. 


I'm chasing Mari and a news van is speeding by, Mari runs over a road and the van instantly turns and hits her. I stop chasing after Mari and watch  her body roll and other people stop to see what happened, I feel tears run down my face as I run over to Marinette and put her head in my lap. I hear the ambulance in the distance and their coming closer.

"MARI!" I scream as crimson falls from her head and it covers a lot of her body and the sidewalk and road. My vision gets blurry as I let my tears fall onto Mari and I pull her closer to my chest and hug her, not caring about getting blood on my clothes. 

Paramedics come and take Marinette from me and place her on a stretcher and they tell me I can't come with her, so I sit there crying and forced to watch them take her to the hospital as she is hooked up to machines and they are trying to get her to breath. 

I stand up, but I'm shacking horribly and I walk into the bakery that is only a few steps away and I hear two voices asking me what happened. I look up to see a short woman with Marinette's dark blue hair and hazel eyes looking at me with worry written all over her face. I then see a man standing behind her with his brown hair and light brown eyes looking down at me. He was wearing a light blue shirt and an apron. 

"Ma-Mari-Marinette...was...hi-hit by... a car" I said in between my sobs and I looked up to her parents and saw them with tears in their eyes. It made my heart ache even more to see her parents cry and I knew my heart shattered when she was hit by the car.


I woke up in horror and I could feel the tears sliding down my face, I got out of the bed and moved to Marinette's room and traded with Nino and Alya. Once they left and didn't question why I was crying I wiped the tears and placed my hand on Mari's. She stirred in her sleep, but didn't wake up.

"I know you don't remember me, but I missed you. I wish you would smile more when I'm around and not when your with Alya, it makes my heart skip a beat when I see your smile. I hope that you regain your memory soon, I don't want you to become my friend because you don't remember everything I've done, actually it would make me feel worse then I already do." I stopped for a minute then continued.

"It's all my fault that you got hit, if only I ran after you then you wouldn't be here and you would still remember. I hope that you feel better soon as well and I hope you know...I-I lov-love you." I stuttered on the last part and looked down until I felt my hand get intertwined with someone else's, I looked up and saw a smiling Marinette holding my hand.

"It's not your fault, ok?" I felt the tears come faster and nodded my head as my vision became blurry again, I heard the bed shift and I could feel Marinette wiping my tears off my face. Once I stopped crying and my vision came back I stared into Marinette's eyes and then I looked at her face. I smiled when I saw her smile and it made my heart skip a beat, but I looked into her eyes again and I saw the ocean. I saw a whole other life that would become Marinette's future, I saw her smiling and dancing beautifully in front of the ocean.

-Marinette's P.O.V.-

I pretended to stir in my sleep as I felt Adrien place his hands on top of mine, I like the warmth that his hand brought to me. I listened to him speak to me as he thought I was asleep, but I loved hearing him wish I would gain my memory back and I did have a small bit of it back.


I heard yet another story of Adrien sleeping with a girl then dumping her the next day and I just rolled my eyes. A playboy is always going to be a playboy. I thought to myself as I walked through the hallway and went to class. I walked up the steps in our classroom until I reached the last row in the top and sat next to the window and put my black headphones on and played some Green Day.


I knew Adrien was a playboy, but he sounded genuine when he said he loved me so I figured maybe I could trust him a more once I regain my memory more. I intertwined my hand with his and sat up and smiled at the crying boy, but when his tears fell faster I reached my other hand out and wiped them away gently. He couldn't be that bad could he?  I brought my hand away from his face and he smiled at me. He might be able to change with a girls help one day.

-Alya's P.O.V.-

I stood in the rooms door frame and watched the two of them with Nino standing beside me, we looked at each other and smiled. I wanted Marinette to be happy since she was my best friend and I was happy to see her trusting Adrien at least a little. She had told me about regaining a memory and I told Nino, but we plan on letting things play out and see how long until she tells Adrien about regaining a memory or memories. My only fear is that he will get pissed at her for not telling him before and that he won't listen to why she did it.

-Nino's P.O.V.-

I know Adrien might not listen to her reason, but if he won't listen to her then I'll tall him why she did it. I know she want's to learn to trust him so she wants to learn about him through this way instead of relearning about him and not trusting everything he's done now. I sigh and drag Alya away from them and we go back to sleep. Hopefully everything will play out right and we don't have to explain the cut marks on Mari's wrist.

I hope you enjoyed chapter seven! Don't forget to vote! Bye my gods and goddesses 

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