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I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm so sorry about it, so much has happened and now I'm back in school and my life is crazy. I will try to update a lot this weekend for my absents and I hope you will except my apology. Don't listen to song until I say so!

Christmas was coming in two weeks and Adrien was strolling in the park when he heard a woman shout 'oh no' not to far away from him. Adrien turned around to find a small raven haired woman picking up fallen groceries, Adrien walked over and helped pick the fallen food and grabbed a few of the bags the woman was carrying. "Thank you." The woman said to Adrien, Adrien smiled. "Your welcome, but why are you out here by yourself?" He asked as the woman grabbed her last bag.

"I was getting some stuff for my daughter and I, but I didn't want to bother her and give her more trouble so I went out without telling her. If I don't get home soon she might begin to worry and look for me." The woman looked up to Adrien and he nodded in understanding. "Let's get you home then." With that the woman began to head home with Adrien in tow, they didn't walk far and Adrien felt this place was familiar to him. The woman opened the door and Adrien entered a bakery, the sweet smell of bake treats entered the room.

"Ma'am, I've baked a batch of cookies for us!" Said a girls sweet voice, but the girl didn't appear. "Ok sweetie, I'll join you in a while I'm going to go upstairs." The woman said and headed towards a set of stairs in a back room, Adrien followed her once again and he entered a small apartment. He entered a kitchen and set the bags on a counter, he looked around the room and spotted a picture. It was a picture with the woman and man, they looked young and they were holding a baby in their arms, they looked like they were in love and it made Adrien a little jealous.

"Where's your husband? You only said you and your daughter." Adrien asked and turned back to the woman to see a sad expression on her face. "Oh, he was killed in an akuma attack two years ago. He took our daughter out for the day since it was her birthday, but two akumatized victims attacked where they were. Him and my daughter were close, but him dying hurt her a lot and now she barley ever smiles." The woman explained Adrien looked at the woman and smiled a sad smile at her, she easily noticed and gave the same smile. "I'm sorry about your husband and your daughter must have taken that badly." Adrien said and turned around in the kitchen, he foucesed on the soft light that seeped under the door that lead to the kitchen of the bakery that was just beneath him. 

"She won't notice if I disappear for a little, I'm going to put the grocieres away. Go look around and I was wondering if you would like to stay for dinner as a thank you for helping me." the woman said and Adrien smiled at her and nodded his head, he watched the woman begin to put things away and he started to wonder around the decent sized apartment and came across a set of stairs. Adrien got curious and started to step up the stairs softly, he pushed open the trap door and came into a large room that was plain. 

The walls showed no character to the person, the only thing that had anthing on it was the desk, the floor surronding it and the bed, designs were scattered everwhere on the surfaces. Adrien picked up the scattered designs and awed at how amazing they were, but he saw none of the pieces in her closet and he saw no fabrics or saw machines or anything the room was completely empty of anything a fashion designer would need.

Adrien heard soft footsteps behind him and looked to find the raven haired woman behind him softly staring at him. Adrien fully turned and faced the shorter woman that now stood before him, he thought he did something wrong until she smiled a soft, but sad smile. "You found my daughters room. It's quite empty isn't it? Something you wouldn't excpect from a perosn who wants to be a fashion designer." The woman looked over to the desk and softly stepped over the scattered designs and picked them up and put them in a stack on the desk. She neatly cleaned up the scattered designs around and on the desk, everything was once again perfect and she just stared at a picture on the desk. 

Not Worth It Anymore (Adrienette)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora