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-Adrien's P.O.V.-

Marinette looked so cute in the park as she and Alya laughed and started mocking each other then other people. Nino and I are still hiding behind bushes and trees watching the girls and we're both blushing as the girls laughs fill the air. 

I pushed Nino out of the bushes and out into the park and the girls spotted him, he waved and smiled at them and they waved back. Marinette smiled a little and Alya had a giant grin on her face as I watched Nino walk over and I smile. 

I was rooting for Nino as Marinette scooted away and let Nino and Alya talk, she went straight for the bushes I was hiding in and I began to panic. When she entered the bushes she didn't notice me until I moved over away from her, when she saw me her smile disappeared and it was replaced with a deadpanned look.

"Why are you here?" She asked turning her attention back to Alya and Nino, I also turned my attention back to the pair and answered her.

"I wanted to help Nino with Alya since he has a giant crush on her" 

"Oh" Marinette paused then spoke again.

"I guess even you could help a friend, even if you are a playboy" I looked at her shocked by her words and her voice just had no emotion in it. I stared at her for a few minutes before turning back to the blushing mess called Alya and Nino.

"I'm not that bad once you get to know me" 

"Your a playboy"

"So, that doesn't mean I can't have feelings for someone" I said and it hurt a lot to hear Marinette not care the slightest about my feelings.

"Playboys play with emotions and sleep with tons of girls without a care in the world, you wouldn't have feelings for one girl" Marinette said and it just broke my heart.

"I could have feelings for a girl! You have no idea what runs in my head" I said starting to get angry with her. Marinette stood up and walked away she went towards her house and she disappeared into the crowed of people walking on the sidewalks and entering shops and buildings. I looked down at the ground and lost track of time until I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Alya and Nino smiling at me.

"She is stubborn, calm, cold hearted, but sweet and has a soft spot once you get to know her. She has an entire kingdom built up around her to block others out and it only gets worse with Chloe bulling her. She might one day see the real you that just hides behind the playboy act" Alya said to me with Nino having his arm wrapped around her shoulders and she actually smiled at me.

"Thank you, I won't give up. She is special, one of a kind and I don't tend on giving up on her so easily!" I said and I felt excited again, Alya and Nino helped me up and we all shared a bright smile.

"Dude I kinda told Alya your crush on Marinette" Nino said scratching the back of his neck and not looking me in the eyes. I only chuckled at Nino and I playfully punched him in the shoulder.

-Alya's P.O.V.- 

I watched as the two boys laughed and playfully punched each other and all I could do was smile, I know Adrien slept with all those girls but he doesn't seem like a bad guy. I'll have to convince Mari to let them hang out with us, so that I can get to know the two better and so Mari can get to see the real Adrien. 

I walked away from the pair and texted Mari hoping she would allow it since it's for 'me'. I grinned at the text that I just read. 

A=Alya M=Marinette

 A: Could you maybe...put up with Adrien so that I could hang out with Nino more even at school?

M: ...

Marinette is typing.

M: I guess, but you owe me big time!

A: Thank you so much! Girl your the best!

M: hehe thanks

-End of conversation-

I opened the door to the apartment and walked in to find my two little sisters running around and I spotted my mother in the other room cooking. I walked into the giant apartment we had and went down the hallway we had and went to my room. I sat on my bed and began doing my homework as I was to excited to sleep since of what was going to happen tomorrow.

-Time skip-

After I finished my homework I opened the group chat of Nino, Adrien, and me that we created and I texted them that Marinette was willing to stand hanging out with Adrien since it was for me. I smiled and turned off my phone and changed into my sleepwear, I then got into my bed and fell asleep.

-Adrien's P.O.V.-

I smiled as Alya texted me and Nino saying that Marinette would hang out just for her. After turning off my phone I changed into Chat and went onto patrol and waited for m'lady. I looked at the other rooftops and saw m'lady sitting on the edge of another roof. She looked depressed so I only sat next to her and put my hand on top of her.


"Yes m'lady?" 

"What would you do if you lost a parent and for most of your life you got bullied and had no friends?" I was caught off guard with the question and it left me speechless, Ladybug turned to look at me and she had little light in her eyes, her eyes showed she was sad and wanted answers.

"My mother actually vanished last year, but I've always had friends and no one's ever bullied me so I don't know if I can help much. I'm just going to say that you should try making friends then stop letting the bully get to you and act like you don't care. Honestly I don't get why you would be bullied though" I tell her and a small smile appears on her face.

"Thank you chaton." she whispered to me and she set her head on my shoulder and I rested my head on top of hers. We stayed like that for our entire patrol and m'lady didn't mind and all I did was smile. Once we broke apart and she went home, I went home and went to sleep and could only dream of Marinette and Ladybug.

-Time skip-

I went to school and noticed Marinette talking with Alya and Nino so I smiled and waved at them and started to walk towards them, but then I noticed that Marinette actually waved back at me and it made my heart skip a beat. We talked for a little and I got to know a little more about Marinette, she was smart and stubborn, kind, but cold and I loved it. 

We walked into school and sat in our seats, Alya sat in the back next to Marinette and they talked, me and Nino in the first row with Chloe and Sabrina across in the other front row seats then Lila and en empty seat behind me. Lila was glaring at Marinette since she walked in with me and Nino, she also glared at Alya which didn't look good. Soon enough later our teacher walked into class and class had begun.

Hope you liked chapter four! sorry for not updating more, I'm going to try to update more and get more of the plot going, but if your enjoying the story don't forget to vote! Bye my gods and goddesses ~Mae

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