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Be aware that if you can't handle blood that you should skip the part when I say-skip.

Marinette was baking in the kitchen with her mother and she was smiling, her midnight blue eyes weren't cloudy anymore, they were shining and crystal clear. Marinette was putting some cupcakes in when she heard the bell for the door ring, moving towards the bakery she noticed it was Nino and she wiped her hands on her flour covered apron.

"Hey Nino, what can I do for you?" Marinette asked as Nino browsed the stands. He looked up at Marinette and then back at his phone worried.

"I need something Alya will absolutely love!" Nino answered as he slipped his phone into his pocket and watched Marinette moved to the back. He heard a lot of noise and pans crashing then Marinette re-emerged with a medium sized red-white-orange box and she handed it to Nino.

"She'll love these the most, also good luck," Marinette whispered the last part into his ear and she watched as Nino left, carrying the box with him. (I wonder what she gave Nino?) Marinette went back into the kitchen but she felt really light headed and she ended up falling over to the wall and leaning against it for support.

"Marinette!" her mother shouted and rushed to her side and steadied her, Marinette was going in and out of consciousness and her vision was getting black spots. Sabine carried Marinette over to a chair and left her there to her own wild visions.

"Daddy!" a little bluenette shouted at a taller man with dark hair, he smiled at her, but then his eyes went black with white pupils in the center, his skin turned to a rough and burning hot black mess and his teeth all turned to sharp and jagged fangs.

"You spoiled child! Learn to be more independent and not so trusting!" the creature hissed as it grew giant black horns with a white zig-zag pattern going horizontally from the top to the center. The beast roared and his hands grew massive claws, he slashed them at the petite five-year-old bluenette and she staggered backwards.


"Da-daddy?" the child stuttered out ad she had trouble comprehending what was happening, the beast lunged for the girl and he slashed his hand across her torso, tearing deep wounds into her and blood spewed out like a fountain.

The little girl laid on the ground in a giant puddle of thick black, mixed with scarlet red blood, the beast turned his back on the girl and walked into the darkness. The little girl stared into the vast emptiness and smiled to herself.

"It's all my fault that you were treated like a beast daddy, I-I'm sorry, please forgive me daddy," the girl whispered to herself and closed her bright blue eyes, leaving her body in the damp blood.


Marinette's breathing was ragged and uncontrollable, the paramedics put the breathing mask on the girl, but it wouldn't help, she was a lost cause and there was no going back, not now, it was finally time.

Not Worth It Anymore (Adrienette)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum