Much to Jack and Elsa's surprise, it was nothing like Pitch's other rooms. It was quite nice, actually. When you spend nearly a month barely sleeping on cold floors, anything with a bed seems like a bomb suite. But this was legitimately a bomb suite.

There was a huge bed in the middle of the room with fluffy sheets. The walls were a welcoming shade of yellow with warm light filling the room. There was a table near the door which was black, but other than that, everything was just like a 5-star hotel room, without windows. Jack and Elsa stood appalled for a moment, taking this in. Both their bodies suddenly started aching after seeing the comfort they could be in.

They wandered the room looking for any possible dangers. After they confirmed there was none, their eyes landed on an innocent mirror on the table. Curiously they approached it. It was a simple mirror. It was in an oval shape with some black intricate designs around the edges. Jack looked at it while Elsa stood behind him.

When Jack looked into the reflection in the mirror, the first thing he saw was yellow. Yellow eyes where his blue ones would've been. Slowly he started noticing other things like jet black hair, a black hoodie and a devious smirk were his usual goofy grin would be. Jack was startled when the reflection started talking to him. "You know we destroy everything we touch, Jack." His reflection said with a smug smirk. Jack's breath hitched.

It was true. Jack wasn't one to dwell on the negatives, but this remark hit home. He was always afraid to interact with anyone thinking that he might hurt them. That's why he hung out with Elsa a lot. She could handle him and he could handle her. The last thing Jack saw before he passed out was the evil grin on his reflection's face.

Elsa gasped when Jack's body started falling to the floor. She used her strength to lower him gently to the ground. "Jack?" She ket asking with fear and panic as she shook his body. She calmed down when she noticed he was still alive and breathing. Elsa turned her attention to the mirror on the floor. She didn't see or hear any of the conversation Jack had with his reflection.

She picked it up from the ground and looked at it. Like Jack, the first thing she noticed was the eyes. Red eyes where Elsa's blue ones would normally be. Some things were the same like her platinum blonde hair but with small red glints. Her ice blue dress was a black but the dress was the same style. Elsa noticed how the top of her dress was low and it revealed a lot of clevage. Other than that there was a black choker necklace around her neck. Elsa gasped when her reflection spoke to her. "Face it. You're a monster. You can't control your powers." The reflection spat out coldly.

Elsa's eyes were brimmed with tears. Her biggest flaw had been pointed out. She nearly lost her sister due to her not being able to control her powers. It had been like a sledgehammer to her heart. She wasn't capable of her powers. She was a monster. With a surprised gasp, Elsa also fainted.

It was almost like in movies where the character slowly changes with a beam of light. Starting from their heads, a band of light moved down their bodies. After the beam passed an area, it became their reflection. For instance, Jack's white hair was turning black as the light moved down his body. Their clothes changes and eventually they turned into their reflections.

Jack's yellow eyes flashed open and he stood up and stretched like he just woke up from a nap. Elsa sat up and rubbed her head. She noticed a pair of legs in front of her and she looked up to see the grinning face of Jack Frost, though she didn't know that yet.

She stood up, eyeing him. He was wearing a black leather hoodie with the same frost pattern. His pants were black skinny jeans which Elsa smirked at. Along with that, he wore fingerless gloves.

While Elsa watched him, Jack watched Elsa. Her dress was black and top of it was in a heart shape that defined her breasts and was studded with white stones. As mentioned before, it showed a lot of cleavage. Jack licked his lips and smirked at her. She had a long sleeve jacket that also doubled as a cape that was connected on her neck in a black choker. Her face still looked innocent, despite having red eyes.

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