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~~~ A year later ~~~ 

"Mark where's the cake!?" I shouted at him. 

"Jaebum and Yugyeom went to get it." Mark walked over to me. 

"Don't get all worked up, it's not healthy." He smiled putting his hands on my stomach. 

I'm five months pregnant with a boy. I didn't plan this neither did Mark. It just happened. I sat down at the table. I looked at the ground to see Anna crawling cross the floor with nothing but a diaper on. Jackson was chasing her with her clothes. He picked her up making her laugh. He tapped her on the nose. 

"She's so complicated." Jackson sighed. 

"Like her mom." Mark laughed. 

I slapped his arm making him wince. 

"Ouch." He looked at me. 

"I'm complicated." I pointed to myself. 

"I was just playing around." He kissed my forehead. 

"We have the cake!" Jaebum walked in. 

Today is Anna and Peyton birthday. Yes, it's been a whole years who would have believed it. Jinyoung and Jackson walked out with the twins. 

"She's a fighter." Jackson frowned. "Oh, and you need cut her nails." 

"I will." I took Anna from him. 

She rested her head on my shoulder. 

"My parents just got to the airport." Mark looked at me. "Please, be nice." 

"As long as your mom doesn't make remarks." I smiled at him. 

Within a few minutes later all the parents where here. Including the manager. Mark held Peyton as I held Anna. Mark's mom walked in being loud. 

"Let me hold my grandson." She went right over to me. 

I rolled my eyes. Mr. Tuan walked up to me. 

"Can I hold her?" He asked. 

"Sure." I handed her to him. 

She began giggling and touching his beard. I looked to Peyton squirming to get out Mrs. Tuan's arms. I shook my head. 

"He doesn't like being held like that." I sighed. "Just hold him like Mark was holding him." 

She nodded. I watched as he stopped squirming. She smiled. 


"No problem." 

We all gathered around talking. The twins played with their birthday presents. 

"Do you wanna give the twins cake?" Mark asked me. 

"Um, a tiny slice. I mean it is their birthday." I patted his leg. 

"And ice cream?" He asked. 

"You want them on a sugar rush?" My eyes widen as I looked at him. 

He laughed and kissed me on the forehead. He went into the kitchen with his dad. 

"Jayda." His mom moved closer to me. 

"I'm sorry for everything." She sighed. "I know you love my son." 

"I do." I smiled. "It's strange though. I would have never thought..." 

"Just continue loving him." She cut me off. 

I looked at her. 

"I will." I blinked a few times still trying to figure out why she cut me off in mid sentence. 

They came out with the cake and ice cream. The candle was lit waiting for Anna and Peyton to blow it out. This shall be interesting. 


We were left to clean up the mess. I took and Anna and Peyton to get them cleaned up. Mark and Jackson cleaned up the living and dining room. Once I got them settled into bed I read them a book. In English of course. I told Mark that I wanted them to know English and Korean so we've been talking both languages around them. Jackson and Mark would talk in Chinese here and there, I've been studying Chinese without him knowing. Besides that, life is going good. Yes, Mark had his tours and busy schedules but he always makes time for me and the twins. 

Mark promised to marry me one day. I'm not rushing him. I love things how it is now. Life is perfect for me. I felt arms wrap around me. Mark's head rested on my shoulder. He kissed my cheek. 

"So I was thinking, we could get our place." He whispered. "And after he's born we can get married." 

I turned around and smiled at him. 

"Sounds like a plan." I gave him a light kiss. 


I will be going a second book to this! I don't know when it'll be up but I AM doing a second book! Thanks for reading and keep a look out for the second book! 

→ If you catch a mistake of mine please tell me ←

Quote: Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. 

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