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I laid on the couch most of the day. I wasn't even in the mood to go out. I stayed in watching Korean Dramas. I loved watching them. They felt so real half the time. I sighed and wrapped myself tighter in the blanket. My stomach growled. I picked my up phone from next to me and ordered pizza and wings with a drink. 

My phone rang. I stared at the screen. 'Mayla'.  I didn't want to be bother so I didn't even answer it. I wasn't in the mood to hear her fangirl over any kpop groups. She started to blow up my phone but I still ignored her. I guessed she got annoyed by me not answering so she came over. I didn't have my door locked so she just walked in. 

"Why did you answer your phone?" She nearly shouted. "What's wrong?" 

I didn't say anything. The tears just rolled down my face. 

"Awe, Jay." She rushed over to be pulling me into her arms. "Shh." 

She rubbed my back. I sniffed wiping my tears. 

"I had drunk sex with a stranger." I sniffed. "We both don't know if we used protection." 

"Who is this stranger?" She looked at me. 

"I only know his first name." I sniffed. 


"His name is Mark." I sighed. "He's cute but like I don't know anything about him." 

"Mark..." Her face went blank then her eyes widen. "Does he look like this." 

She grabbed her phone and searched up something. 

"Mayla, I highly doubt that I slept with one of your kpop boy grou..." I froze as she showed me the picture. 

"That's...That's him." I pointed at the screen. 

"Fuck." Mayla stood. "Jayda how coul..." She stopped herself. "You said you were drunk so I can't really say anything." 

I sighed. I looked at my phone. I didn't text him back. I was too bummed to do so. I grabbed my phone. 

Jayda: When were you going to tell me that you were part of kpop group? I had to find out through my friend. 

I waited for his text back. 

Mark: Why didn't you text me back sooner. I was worried. 

Jayda: Worried? 

Mark: Yes. Worried. There is a possibility that you are carrying my child. 

Jayda: So when were you going to tell me 

Mark: I was deciding on the right time, I haven't even told my members or manger 

Jayda: I'm sorry, because of me you'll get in trouble. 

Mark: It's fine, I wanna meet with you. 

I stared at the text. I wanna meet with you. My stomach did flips. I looked at Mayla who was staring at me. 

"You have his number?" She beamed with joy. 

"Yeah, but you're not getting it." I stood. 

"I understand." Mayla stood. 

Mark: Bring your friend too. Meet me at the Little Restaurant.  

I looked at Mayla who had her hands on her hips. I laughed. This shall be interesting. 

"Wanna go meet him?" I asked her. 

"Yes!" She jumped. 

I nodded. I went into my room and dressed in comfortable clothes. I didn't care about what I looked like honestly, even though I did check myself in the mirror before I left. I looked decent. 

I sat in the passenger side of Mayla car. My stomach left uneasy. I let out a deep sigh as we pulled out. I saw a black SUV. My heart beat picked up. I placed my hand over my heart tapping my chest. I took a deep breath and got out. I walked into the Little Restaurant. 

"Oh My Lord. There they are." Mayla fangirled quietly. 

I nodded my head and walked over to them. Mark's eyes widen when he saw me. I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad things. Mayla stood next to me. 

"Please sit." He moved a little bit. 

I nodded and sat down next to him. Mayla sat across from me as the black haired boy moved over some. They were all good looking. I looked at Mayla who looked like she was about to faint. It worried me. 

"Excuse me." I called over a waitress not even caring. "Can you get her some water please?" 

"Yes." She nodded and walked away. 

"So you're the girl that could possible ruin us?" One looked at me. 

I looked at him and shook my head. 

"I didn't ask for this." I spoke back. "Did you really think that I wanted this? That I purposely did this? I didn't want this." 

"Hey, calm down." Mark rubbed my back. 

I calmed down at his touch which was weird. I took a deep breath. 

"We all have to keep this a secret." Mark sighed. "This was a drunk mistake." 

"Can't she just get rid of it ... I mean if she pregnant can't she just..." I looked at him. 

He can't be serious. 

"What's your name?" I asked him. 

"Jinyoung." He answered. 

"Well Jinyoung. Shut your mouth." 

Everyone made an O shape with their face. I looked at Mayla who was in shock. 

"I don't need any bullshit from you okay?" I stood. 

"I don't need this from anyone." I held back my tears. "If it's really that bad then I'll leave, you won't hear from me again." 

I walked out. The tears I held back fell freely. I was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist. 


Quote : Things that are meant to happen, will happen. Earthlings call that fate. (You Who Came From The Stars)  

Pregnant by Mark Tuan | Mark Tuan GOT7 Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now